
  • We're running on cement at the moment 3xs a week. I just purchsed a new pair of shoes (dated them with a permanent marker so i can switch them up appropriately). I think i'm also doing a good amount of stretching aftewards but maybe i should add some stretching on my days off. I'm really thinking it's the running on the…
  • I'm in. I think that I can do it with my 3 days of running. Need to work on building muscle not just the cardio. I'll meansure tonight too. Good luck.
  • My boyfriend is a bit of the same way, not too bad thought. It's been 5 weeks since I've started my running program and he can see that i'm active and trying to lose weight and it's showing a bit. He's been saying more and more 'I need to lose weight' after seeing my results. On the weekends (when we spend most of our time…
  • Jello's no bake cheesecake - made it last night. Delish!
  • 5'6 Starting weight 189 (oach I know) hoping to get down to 150lbs. I've seen myself at 150 so I know I can get back there :)
  • I think i'll start the 30 day shred, I started before but never finished. Now that I'm running 3x a week, I need to give myself an extra push. I need to be pushed and that's what Jillians work outs do. I know i'll complete it this time.
  • A good time for a 5k is between the 30 - 35 minutes. I would suggest for your first run set the goal to 1) complete it and 2) don't stop along the route. If you successfully run the whole thing without stopping, you'll be able to set a time for your next run. Running any run is an amazing challenge, best of luck.
  • Hi, I studied in France while I was doing my French Lit degree 2 years ago and lived on the university so I had a bit more control over my diet because i was cooking my own meals. I would suggest always carrying around a snack like an apple or granola bar. I did lots of day trips and in France and even though everyone is…
  • I think about what to drink as well when i'm at the pub chillin with friends. Light beer, wine, vodka water are options. But if you're starting out like me, maybe it's best to cut the booze. I drank water last night and saved on my bill :)
  • Ya I see my roomie doing extreme dieting all the time. Her parents are really on her about losing weight because she won't get a boyfreind otherwise. I'm not lying, they truely believe that to get a guy you have to be thin. So her mom pushes her to do these diets. Eating just protein and yogurt or this HDC diet (I think…
  • Fast food for sure and pop. Pop is my evil enemy.
  • sounds good, thanks
  • When will you be ready? It's the main question to ask yourself. I use to think that i'd deal with my weight maybe after university when I wasn't so stressed studying and then I put it off till after I found a good steady job and was financially secure. I just kept procrastinating and not happy with the way I looked. Small…
  • I actually said the same thing to my friend at lunch the other day. When i look in the mirrow, I think i look amazing and then I see pictures and I'm like 'wow.' I think it's denial on my part. Weight loss isn't always about just eating healthy and working out, it's a mental challenge at times. I know I need to face…
  • Vancouver, Canada - not snowing just raining :)
  • When it comes to tattoos people should really consider the future. I thought about the "wrinkle factor" while getting mine not so much the weight gain aspect. My friend got his hip tattoo when she was 17 and now pregnant with her 2nd child she didn't think it was that bright of an idea, it's definitely stretched out. But…