

  • Either website could help alot much different views on things.... Even with 17 months of training I could say most people can still grow exponentially will starting strength... Especially someone not eating correctly... Following starting strength from the start to 9 months out…
  • Of course idk what your diet looks like already but lower back and lower abs and thighs are stubborn fat areas for most people and it will be the very last place that your body will lose at.... And I'm about to go nutrition geek here but unless your literally reaching sub 20% body fat which is becoming lean for females…
  • If actually like to see some more recent 2010 or new studies on nutrition or excersise... And yes one was only 4 days long which isn't the strongest study... I just wanted to here some opinions... Even maybe a good study on 6 meals per day... Or if meal frequency even matters because to Emma-Leigh Lyle McDonald Alan Aragon…
  • I would either download Nike fitness club or get on YouTube and just search some workout routines. Or search around on site and and starting strength wiki... Those are weightlifting routines... Just depends on your goals
  • In one of those studies it shows there is no metabolic slow down from low calories... The body starts burning less calories because of a) TEF thermogenic effect of food is no longer involved (b you way less so less calories are burned per day. I don't mind people's beliefs I just want people to realize that intermittent…
  • Protein you really can't go wrong with as long as stay at a deficit. Protein and fiber are great to eat in large quantities because they make you feel fuller longer so low calories won't be so miserable. And if protein is high is has muscle sparing effects so whenever you lose weight you can get that "tone" look every…
  • I'd say as long as you don't go crazy and eat 2000 calories of junk food or fast food and you maintain or don't go too far over on calories then there's no reason you can't treat yourself. Only thing that matters is calories in vs calories out. If you keep a weekly deficit you will lose weight even if all you ate was…
  • I definitely agree. I'm a huge eater and eating 3 large meals a day is great even tho I don't log everything I eat onto mfp only because there's certain foods I like to keep track off for health related reasons. But I could never eat 5-6 small meals that leave me craving... I like sitting down and being able to eat 2000…
  • Starvation mode does not exists at all and I won't argue... I just post these science references that are held as fact and are published in say British journal of nutrition Zauner c schneeweiss b kranz a madl c Roth e Schneider b lenz k resting energy expenditure in short term starvation is increased as a result of an…
  • A 10 lb bag of whey protein can be like 100 bucks but it will have around 170 servings and that comes out to being less then a dollar per 20 grams of protein and its low on carbs and fat. A lot of money up front but saves alot of money in the long run. There's no food on the planet that gives 20 grams of carbs for less…
  • I'm not a big advocate of percentages... I go more along the lines of what most bodybuilders would go by. 1g of protein per lb of lean body mass= 200 grams for you since 29% bf Try and keep fat around 40-50g on the days you work out and eat about 200+ carbs. On rest days tho keep your carbs below 70g of carbs and raise…
  • I'm a huge follower of the leangains approach to dieting and can say its fantastic for body composition or cutting. Went from 223 lbs to 204 lbs in 3 months while increasing bench by 90 lbs squat by 180 lbs and deadlift by 200 lbs. Most of those strength gains were because I just started lifting again froma long break so…
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