Eating to much protein?!

I've noticed through my tracker that I ALWAYS go over in my protein category. I've heard protein is good for you, but I just wanted to make sure if to much wasn't bad? Should I try to stay to what my recommended protein goal says, or is it ok to go over?


  • Theamers0528
    Protein you really can't go wrong with as long as stay at a deficit. Protein and fiber are great to eat in large quantities because they make you feel fuller longer so low calories won't be so miserable. And if protein is high is has muscle sparing effects so whenever you lose weight you can get that "tone" look every looks for. Nobody wants to be skinny fat lol
  • Firefox7275
    Firefox7275 Posts: 2,040 Member
    Loads of threads on this: MFP protein is a minimum not a maximum.