

  • Even for the most dedicated gym goer, going religiously 20 miles away to work out is nearly impossible. You seem to really like your setup, so I wouldn't change. It seems your gym time is your alone time. Everyone needs that.
  • This is an excellent thread topic! I am solid muscle with 16% bodyfat and I have had to build some curves on my body, i.e. my rear. I have had some people automatically refer to me as "thick" because I do have curves... The difference is my curves are muscle. I'm proud of them. It takes a lot of work. Curves are sexy, but…
  • In all honesty, this is something you should talk with your doctor about and also see about working with a corrective exercise specialist near you. I have had clients who have had Erb's Palsy but to prevent injury since each client has had different restrictions, I have always had them talk to their doctor.
  • Yes, you can build muscle while losing weight. In fact, I always set up my clients with a solid weight training program even if they have a large amount of weight to lose. Why? Muscle burns more calories than fat at rest. The more muscle you have, the more calories you burn, and the faster you burn that 3,500 calories to…
  • This is exactly what I was going to say. Also, protein shakes are just another, yet easy, form of getting protein. You could get more protein from actual food, if you choose. Also, if you are planning to add weightlifting, you are going to need to consume more calories so you have the fuel to get through those workouts.…