Exercising with a disability...please help!

Hi everyone!

Does anyone have any suggestions for arm exercises for people with limited mobility?

I have erb's palsy in my left arm which basically means I can only move my arm about halfway above my head because I can't fully extend it. Push ups and things like that are out because I don't have the strength in that arm. I just want to get a good workout over both my arms.

Any suggestions would be a great help!


  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,616 Member
    Can you give us some sense of what you *can* do with the weaker arm? Can you pull things towards you, for instance? Would a rower be an option?

    I suspect you might do better directing your question to a physio, though - a bit specialist, for here?
  • mariaghalichi
    Hi everyone!

    Does anyone have any suggestions for arm exercises for people with limited mobility?

    I have erb's palsy in my left arm which basically means I can only move my arm about halfway above my head because I can't fully extend it. Push ups and things like that are out because I don't have the strength in that arm. I just want to get a good workout over both my arms.

    Any suggestions would be a great help!

    In all honesty, this is something you should talk with your doctor about and also see about working with a corrective exercise specialist near you. I have had clients who have had Erb's Palsy but to prevent injury since each client has had different restrictions, I have always had them talk to their doctor.
  • Missallison7691
    You guys are right I probably should consult a doctor first it's just been so long since I've been to one for my erb's palsy. Probably about 10 years. Guess I'll have to make an appointment soon. Thanks for the feedback