LBinSF Member


  • Hi Laura, Good idea to reconvene the group in January. Thanks for keeping us honest and accountable! :-) The holidays are always difficult and I'm glad they're over. My eating is back on track and (although my weight had jumped up to 180 after eating an entire pumpkin pie - among other things), it's now back down to 172.6.…
  • Buy some cute new clothes and put the 'fat clothes' in the basement in shopping bags! (you won't need to go back to them but they're there just in case...) Another thing you can do while you're losing is have a tailor alter them so the ones you have fit better in the interim. On Sunday I discarded/ donated 1 giant bag…
  • Hey Everyone! Hope you have a great weekend... Weight UPdate: Today: 170.2. Startingn Weight for this Fall Challenge (on Sept.13th) was 177.4. So, I'm down 7.2 pounds. Pleased with the weight lost. Did not do the 2nd part of the goal (2x Week Yoga). It's been 4 weeks since I've worked out regularly (due to using work and a…
  • Weighed in at 171.8 today.Still have 20 pounds to lose to get back to my goal weight. (not sure what it was last week... Really busy at work today). Hope you all have a great weekend!
  • Hi Everyone - Can't remember if I weighed in on Friday. Today's weight is 172.6. Percent body fat doesn't seem to be dropping the way the weight has... Has anyone else experienced this?
  • Hi Everyone, 1) Laura - great job on your 60 pounds! 2) CindyLu - You're in my prayers. Hopefully, it's NOT ovarian cancer. But thank goodness you had it looked at and are having the ovaries out. Better safe than sorry. And great job on the weight loss. 3) This week, my weight is down 2 pounds - so that's on track.…
  • Good morning, Everyone. I'm holding steady at 174. About 1 pound down since last week. Surprising, under the circumstances of the past 2 weeks.
  • Good day, Everyone! Want to add this to my initial goals for this Group... Weight Loss Goals: 1) Get back to 'ski weight'. Now within 5 pounds of this. 2) To weigh the same as when I moved here 13 years ago: still 23 pounds to go. Would love to do #1 ASAP; and #2 within 6 months of now.
  • Hello everyone, My weight seems to be down 1.2 pounds over the past week. I just checked MFP's Reports for the details. Have a great weekend!
  • Hey Everyone, Was 177.4 lbs this morning. Hit a 7-year low of 174.6 lbs earlier this week but bounced up after a busy week. VERY pleased to be back in the 170's!! :) This group REALLY helps me stay on track. And yes, I'm in for the 12 week challenge. 1. Weekly weight loss goal is to lose 0.5 pound per week 2.Fitness goal…
  • OK, I'm in! :) 1. Weekly weight loss goal is to lose 0.5 pound per week 2.Fitness goal is to do yoga 2x week.
  • OK - good idea! I'll commit to getting to the gym a minimum of twice a week during the month of September. (hoping to go more but this sounds very doable).
  • Very excited about the 176.6 weigh in this morning! Back on track (after eating junky carbs & too much food whil on vacation) and have been in ketosis (burning stored fat) for most of this week- & have started lifting weights again which also helps! Thanks to this group for keeping me honest. This is second day I've been…
  • 184.6 pounds today. Now have 25 pounds to lose. I have backtracked on the weight loss. Trying to get back and stay on track. Very tired & haven't had time to get to the gym (or haven't MADE time to do so) in 2 weeks. I cannot wait until September - when I will be in town every weekend and can relax and catch up on sleep.…
  • Hi Everyone, Uh oh! I've gained 3.4 pounds this week. Up to 184.2...(net loss of 76 pounds total since starting this process). How did this rapid weight gain occur? Have been going on lots of after-work drinks dates recently, have been skipping the gym (so really haven't been exercising at all), and haven't been sleeping…
  • Was out of town hiking in Yosemite with my dad. We hiked for 6.5 hours on Saturday. Unfortunately, I also ate 3800 calories that day so my weight is up a bit! :-S 182.8 this morning... Ugh!
  • Hi Everyone, Thanks so much! This group is helping to keep me honest about dieting! :-) Reading all of your success stories just now has put a smile on my face - especially the ones about people's health improving / going off medications/ and getting slimmer and healthier. I'm grateful to be in what feels like a normal…
  • Oops - Weight popped up to 184 after being on vacation and overindulging! Gotta get back on track... So far, today has been a good day.
  • Hello Everyone! OK - so I weighed 184 this morning. (Popped up 1.6 pounds since last Friday's weigh in - so a Net weight loss of 76 pounds & still trying to chip away at the last 24 pounds!). Have stayed on track with regard to food (eating low carb). The variables that changed this past week which may have caused weight…
  • Great idea! This group has been a big help in keeping on track (getting BACK ON TRACK!)
  • Hi Everyone - FYI, Friends and Family Discount for Premier Nutrition (I LOVE their protein shakes & drink a couple of them every day as a diet aid; 30g protein, 160 cal, 3g fat, & vitamins/ amino acids, 1g sugar). Code can be used for a 50% twice on website by each person. Code is this: “premierfriendsandfamily” This…
  • Hey Everyone, I've lost 3.2 pounds (net) during our challenge. This included a stressful time (break-up) which caused a giant jump in weight but I'm back on track now. Better 3 pounds down than zero - but didn't come anywhere close to the 20 pounds we were shooting for! Still chipping away at this... Here are the stats…
  • Hi Laura - You are almost there!!
  • Great job!!:smile:
  • Hi Everyone, Congrats on all your GREAT numbers!! It's inspiring. I'm still only 2 pounds down, net, since we started this challenge. It has been a difficult month (was very sick for 3 weeks, just broke up with boyfriend, & tons of work stress). So I'm relieved that my weight hasn't gone up significantly during the last…
  • Hi Everyone, I have lost zero pounds this week. :-( Have lost net 2 pounds over the 6 weeks since we started this challenge. And net 76 pounds since beginning this process. I don't seem to be sick anymore after 3 weeks of a bad cold - but still VERY tired. Will attend a Yoga class today at 4:30 (first one since the ski…
  • Good for you for getting back on track! Since starting MyFitnessPal my weight dropped from 193 to 176, then crept back up to 184! So to get to 160 pounds, I'll have to step up and start exercising and actively dieting again. Yesterday was the first time in ages that my food was <1600 net calories for the day. It was by…
    in Back On Track Comment by LBinSF May 2013
  • Hi Everyone, I've backtracked a bit and am only down a net of 2 pounds since we started this challenge on 4/21... I had a 5 day trip to the East coast and have been super-sick for 2 weeks & taking antibiotics, so haven't been exercising at all. Also, on Sunday and Monday I slept 36 hours in a row so I'm hoping to be back…
  • Hi Everyone, I've lost 3 pounds (net) over the past 4 weeks of our challenge. Here are the stats (I'm 5' 9 1/2"): Week One - 4/21/2013 - 186 Week Two - 4/28/2013 - 182 Week Three - 5/5/2013 - 183.8 Week Four - 5/12/2013 - 184 Week Five - 5/19/2013 - 183 Week Six - 5/26/2013 Week Seven - 6/2/2013 Week Nine - 6/9/2013 Week…
  • Hi Everyone, Great job to you all for achieving some significant weight-loss. Congrats! I've been struggling to stay on track but have lost net 2 pounds over the past 3 weeks of our challenge. For the four weigh-ins thus far (at 5 feet 9 1/2 inches): Week One - 4/21/2013 - 186 Week Two - 4/28/2013 - 182 Week Three -…