

  • Thank you all for your input. I wasnt really looking for a sweet, as much as looking for something, ANYTHING to help me with my running :tongue: Guess I need to take Nike's advise and Just Do It.
  • I use " Get Running". I like it a lot. It may not solve your music issue though. You play whatever music you want in the background and then start the app. I have found it to be very motivational in helping get through the tougher runs. Good luck with the program!
  • Week 4 started yesterday. I knew it was going to be rough when the voice said that the short run was 3 minutes. I just told myself that I had to get through a song on the "short runs" and about a song and a half on the 5 minute runs. I made it through and in the end, I realized something about myself....I hate running : )…
  • Just think about how many people gain it all back, plus some. You are taking responsibility for it, and doing something about it. That says a lot about you. Remember this feeling, and use it in the future. Make a mistake something positive by learning from it. You will get there again, but this time even stronger than…
  • I did run 2 of week 3 yesterday. I was still huffing and puffing by the end of the third run, but I felt great once I was done. I really like the voice in my ear during the run. She reminded me that I had a hard time running for a minute two weeks ago. So true. And it was also encouraging when she said that my body would…
  • Your weight is not destroying anything. The only weight that is an issue is the burden this must place on you. I agree with what everyone here has said. You cant live your life like this. I know it is easy for all of us to say, but sometime it takes an outside perepective to get the clear picture. I know it will not be…
  • I actually did my first run of week three last night. I was dreading it too, but it was not that bad. I was surpirsed by that first three minute run. It actually felt pretty easy. The second three minutes was hard, but I got through it. I am not a runner by any means, so I think you will do just great. Let us know how it…
  • I did run 1 of week 3 last night. It actually was not too bad. I got through the first three minute run surprisingly easy. The second three minutes was more of a challenge. The voice in my ear was very encouraging along the way, and that did help. I did this run in the rain, and it was actually pretty nice. Hope you all…
  • I just finished my third run of week two. I did it outside again, and I think I will try and make all of my future runs outdoors when I can. The time seems to go by much faster. This run was probably the best of the week for me. I didnt think I was going to make it through run 2, but this one quitting never crossed my…
  • I use an iPhone app called "Get Running". It guides you through starting the C25K program. You can also download podcats as well. I am sure there are other ways to do it, but these are just the ways I know. Come on and join us. The more of us the better!
  • I did my first run outside today. I think I like it more than doing the treadmill. I started getting pain in my side towards the end, but I got through without stopping. It was a very windy day, so I think that added to my difficulies. One more run in week two. I dont want to know whats next :noway:
  • That is awesome! It shows how much power we actually have with just one decision. This journey is about so much more than just losing weight. It is about becoming stronger people. You have an awareness now that you didnt have have before. You took control of your life. Our successes and regrets are based on our own power.…
  • Just finished week 2 day 1 and boy did it kick my butt. I really didnt know if I was going to make it during those last couple of runs, but I did. I am hoping it was just because I havent run in a few days. Hoping Wednesday will be a little better. Still waiting for that runners high...(yeah right ; )
  • Will you be sore? Probably. Is it going to be hard? Probably. Will be able to get through it the first time? Maybe, maybe not. But it is all about taking that first step. You might only get through ten minutes of it. But that is ten minutes that you have done before. But you can do 15 tomorrow. Then the full 20. Before you…
  • Hello! I am also from the Cincinnati area. I decided that I needed to change my lifestyle for my health as well. I have been at it for just over three months and I feel so much better already. Hang in there and look forward to good things.
  • Hello! I just finished week one yesterday. I never understood seeing someone out in the neighborhood running. You know what...? I still dont : ) But seriously, I feel really good about my acomplishement of finishing week 1. I keep seeing how much I have to run by the end of this program, but then I bring myself back saying…
  • I dont get this whole weight loss thing. You put in the work, and the results dont show. But look at your little lady have lost 14 pounds!!! That is nothing to take lightly. You earned every one of those pounds. There is something that needs tweeked. Somehow we have to find out what that is and it is going to…
  • Tomorrow will be the third run in week one. It has not been easy for me, but I have got through it. It is more than I have ever run in the past. I have felt really proud of myself at the end of each run. It is reassuring to see so many others on here doing the same program. Keep up the great work everyone!