Couch-to-5K - I'm on week 5



  • aab1
    aab1 Posts: 1,120 Member
    I completed W5D3 on Friday. As I had posted, I was so freaked out thinking about running for 20 straight minutes. I did slow my speed down a little; just in case. I did run the entire 20 minutes and then pushed myself to run a little extra (considering I was running at a slower speed); for a total of 24 minutes. That felt awesome!!!!!!

    Oh, and I did this with no music! (Forgot it at home). Definitely not recommended...:noway:

    Looking forward to W6D1. 5, 8 & 5 minute runs...that seems like nothing now that I have 24 minutes under my belt. :wink: :laugh:
  • Monica_in_MO
    Monica_in_MO Posts: 162 Member
    I am on wk8 day 1. It seems strange to even type that!!! When I looked at the workout plan, I was unsure as to whether or not I could complete it. It seems overwhelming. And I have never been a runner, but am experiencing that "endorphin" high that comes with overcoming mental and physical obstacles. Every...single...workout!! I am going to run my first 5k on Mother's day weekend. Very excited and also quite nervous.
  • ejb245
    ejb245 Posts: 195 Member
    I am on wk8 day 1. It seems strange to even type that!!! When I looked at the workout plan, I was unsure as to whether or not I could complete it. It seems overwhelming. And I have never been a runner, but am experiencing that "endorphin" high that comes with overcoming mental and physical obstacles. Every...single...workout!! I am going to run my first 5k on Mother's day weekend. Very excited and also quite nervous.

    Congrats!!! That's awesome. I'm starting to the get that endorphin high too. It's wonderful. I even want to run with its my supposed "rest" day and now I just add an extra run every week because it makes me happy. So weird.

    Congrats and good luck with the 5k!
  • LinsdayMV
    LinsdayMV Posts: 16 Member
    This is such a great post - so motivational! I just completed week 5, day 2 and it is an insane jump this week - 20 minutes! I agree, though, it is amazing in that moment when you hit your stride and actually feel comfortable in the running moment. Yay!
  • Shadowcasting
    Shadowcasting Posts: 124 Member
    I want to do this, and I have "sorta" started (week 1 day 2!) but i had to modify it. I haven't been working out for very long (3-4 weeks) after quite a few years of uber-sedentary-ness. So for week 1 I'm doing 60 second jog (5.2 pace) and 2 minute walk (instead of 90 second). My hips and quads HURT after day one, and still do today. I made myself do it again anyway, and I managed (but barely!) Hopefully I can follow all of your leads and stick with it!
  • aab1
    aab1 Posts: 1,120 Member
    @Shadow - Nice job for jumping into C25K! I'm impressed your running at 5.2mph. Don't forget to stretch before & after.
  • Bluesman77
    I just finished my third run of week two. I did it outside again, and I think I will try and make all of my future runs outdoors when I can. The time seems to go by much faster. This run was probably the best of the week for me. I didnt think I was going to make it through run 2, but this one quitting never crossed my mind. A couple of days rest and then one to week three!!!
  • Zsangel
    Zsangel Posts: 202
    My next one will be Week 2, Day 3, then onto week 3 (EEEK!)
  • Bluesman77
    I did run 1 of week 3 last night. It actually was not too bad. I got through the first three minute run surprisingly easy. The second three minutes was more of a challenge. The voice in my ear was very encouraging along the way, and that did help. I did this run in the rain, and it was actually pretty nice. Hope you all are having success this week.
  • aab1
    aab1 Posts: 1,120 Member
    I ran W7D2 today. I was amazed at how easy the 25 minute run was for me; I didn't feel the need to look at the clock until I was already 20 minutes in. The C25K program has been such a success for me. Although I'm running for only 25 minutes; I can't believe I'm running for 25 minutes!!

    I hope everyone else finds as much success with the program. Keep up the great work!!
  • funfitfoodie
    funfitfoodie Posts: 630 Member
    I'm on week 6 - I've yet to complete it because I HATE running outside but am going to force myself to finish tomorrow morning. I'm usually on the treadmill but I'm staying at my parents for a few weeks!
  • Bluesman77
    Week 4 started yesterday. I knew it was going to be rough when the voice said that the short run was 3 minutes. I just told myself that I had to get through a song on the "short runs" and about a song and a half on the 5 minute runs. I made it through and in the end, I realized something about myself....I hate running : ) Thank goodness for rest days!

    Keep up the good work everyone.
  • funfitfoodie
    funfitfoodie Posts: 630 Member
    This is such a great post - so motivational! I just completed week 5, day 2 and it is an insane jump this week - 20 minutes! I agree, though, it is amazing in that moment when you hit your stride and actually feel comfortable in the running moment. Yay!

    I was terrified of the 20 minute run but afterwards I hated going back to interval running!
  • nickyevans
    nickyevans Posts: 216 Member
    I am doing Day 1 Week 3 tonight.
  • aab1
    aab1 Posts: 1,120 Member
    Completed W8D2; ran for 30minutes . It's continuing to go well on a treadmill. Our weather has still been cold so I haven't transitioned to outside yet. Has anyone? And if you have, did you encounter any issues?
  • Eviesmum
    Eviesmum Posts: 270 Member
    Hi there, I'm doing this program and tomorrow is my Week 8 day 3 run.

    The first run of week 8 I really struggled with but yesterday's one was fine, a little bit of stitch in the last minute or so but I managed to sprint for the last 60 seconds.

    It is a brilliant program and I use the NHS podcasts as well.
  • Munchiemooka
    Munchiemooka Posts: 176 Member
    w1d3 tomorrow and I'm loving it already, cant wait to start w2 on Sunday and challenge myself again
  • lauren807
    lauren807 Posts: 2 Member
    Has anyone gotten bad shin splints in the beginning of this proggram? Any suggestions for stretching/strengthening exercises to help? I have gotten to week 4 twice, but had to stop because of my shins!
  • aab1
    aab1 Posts: 1,120 Member
    Has anyone gotten bad shin splints in the beginning of this proggram? Any suggestions for stretching/strengthening exercises to help? I have gotten to week 4 twice, but had to stop because of my shins!

    I haven't had any issues but I am stretching before & after.

    W8D3 completed today. I'm going to start increasing my speed with the hopes of completing a 5K in 30 minutes. Today it took me 35 minutes; not bad but I've got some work to do to shave off 5 minutes!

    Successful running to all!!
  • aab1
    aab1 Posts: 1,120 Member
    W9D1 complete; ran for 35 minutes - 3.22miles!! Going strong; Feeling good!!