kpeck40 Member


  • I am with you. I have been on MFP for a few years, and just like SparkPeople, it only works if you are honest with it, and honest with yourself. I had lost over 80 pounds going in to late 2014, and due to some issues at work, stress ate myself back in to a hole. I have gained a more positive perspective of late, and hoping…
  • Fair enough. Yes, I have a loving wife & best friend of 22 years (hs sweethearts), and two very smart kids, and from the ashes of my first civilian career, I now am in a position with the University of Cincinnati (5 yrs now) that provides my kids with free tuition. Yes, I am blessed. Just wish that the stress of holding it…
  • I did it for the month of April and it helped me get over a three month plateau. I altered it slightly because my gym workouts burn around 1,000 calories and I was getting low sugar attacks. So, as a guy, I was taking in around 700-800 calories, and did it on Mondays and Thursdays. Got through 8 pounds that month. Thinking…
    in 5:2 diet Comment by kpeck40 July 2013
  • At my heaviest, this was my way of life. Too busy to eat all day, and was never a breakfast type of guy, and then eat in the evening hours. My doctor told me that it had messed up my metabolism something fierce, and as he put it, "your body continues to eat whether you do or not", meaning it will find the nutrition it can…
  • Same exact boat with SP, lost around 65 pounds and then hit a plateau over the holidays, and just feel out of touch with SP. Been on MFP for over a week now, although I joined it in December, and never followed thru. SP has gotten a bit convoluted in some parts, and skips out on the real science of tracking. Feel free to…
  • Did the same thing with Spark People, and decided to come in from the cold using MFP. Feel free to add me.
  • Awesome! Congrats!
  • First off, thank you for your service! Second, welcome. I too am new and was working on getting up the nerve to post an intro, but felt compelled to respond to yours. I am a veteran as well, and have been out of the Navy's Silent Service for just past 13 years, having spent 10 years in. After years of struggles with…