Already lost 70lbs, but have fallen off the wagon

CloudyMao Posts: 258 Member
Hiya all!

I started my weight loss journey some years ago now, after many trial and error and false starts I wont bore you with I joined SparkPeople, which was fantastic and with their help and education I lost 70lbs, I'm trying to get myself back ontrack after a year and a half of "relaxed attitude" but find that I don't recognise my old stomping grounds anymore, it's not as simple as it was back then, MFP was suggested to me, and here I am! looks wonderful, exactly the same kindof tools that helped me out before.

I'm exited now, :) can't wait to get losing again!


  • kpeck40
    kpeck40 Posts: 9 Member
    Same exact boat with SP, lost around 65 pounds and then hit a plateau over the holidays, and just feel out of touch with SP. Been on MFP for over a week now, although I joined it in December, and never followed thru. SP has gotten a bit convoluted in some parts, and skips out on the real science of tracking. Feel free to add me.