

  • Bought time! LOL I was waiting on this post. Im up .4 lbs, so my focus for this week is NO SUGAR and NO cheat day. My goal for next week is 3 lbs and Im going to make it!
  • I got alot of encouragement when I lost my initial weight....lots of people noticed and even a select few told me to slow down I was losing too much (psst) But thankfully I didnt experience any negativity, I dont think Ive lost enough for it to be really sigificant, if that makes sense.
  • yes, Ive been sick for about 2 weeks now, still have a dry cough but I kept working out. Im thinking I should have taken a few days off when it got really cold just b/c of the change in temperature from inside sweating to cold outside. None the less I kept going...cant really say that was for the best
  • I agree, just keep pushing...thats my note to self and others, the only way to fail is to quit
  • Im noticing that if I weigh myself one day and the number isnt what I want it to be, I get discourage and thrown off track. Its best to stick with a "weigh in day" and not keep weighing yourself every single day. Its becoming an obsession for me and I dont think thats healthy, so I commiting to one day a week and asking my…
  • I'm down 3.4 lbs, I was going to take a pic of the scale but I didn't Lol however I was in tears seeing the numbers go down, my goal was 2 lbs :)
  • Monday-1 hour Zumba, 20 min weights Tuesday-30 min Stairs, 20 min run Wednesday-1 hour Hip Hop dance Thursday-1 hour Zumba 20 min weights Friday-off <----i want to add another Hip Hop class to this day, soon as I can free up my scedule Saturday-free day, not set schedule, 1 hour workout time Sunday-flex day (makeup if…
  • Im rewarding myself for every week that I do stay on schedule so that motivates me not to make any excuses. Example: I bought me some really cute work out clothes this week b/c I have been pushing so hard to make this happen for me and Ive stayed on track even when I seriously wanted to give up. My next reward is new…
  • I absolutely have a problem with sweets. I can never eat real food again and survive off chocolate and cupcakes!! smh. so thats my objective for this challenge, lil to no sweets. I'd be lying to myself if I said Im going to just give it up cold turkey, thats a sure way to set urself up for failure (when u know its…
  • My goal is 8 lbs in the month of January. Im down 16 so far and that was a big accomplishment for me seeing as I have never lost more than 4-5 lbs. Im working out at Fitness Connection 5 times a week and to keep from getting bored, Im doing Zumba, Kickboxing, Hip Hop dance. Ive also incorporated 30 min of stairs and the…