

  • Hi and congratulations on saving your life!! I'm very proud of you. I have Type II diabetes also and am now about to be taken off of my medication because of managing my food choices and committing to exercise. You can definitely control your diabetes, but it takes education. It's not hard, but it does take a commitment…
  • RMQT - great idea! Thanks!
  • I love this discussion - the diversity in preferences is great!! I used to think of eating whatever I wanted as a "treat" and then realized that eating that way, FOR ME, was not a treat, it actually was a "trick." It was hurting my goal and I realized that my thinking about food was so warped as to allow me to think that…
  • I have used the plain oatmeal suggestion. Quaker oats (plain) come in pouches now, which makes it easier to transport. The night before, you can sautee 1/2 apple wth cinnamon in Pam organic olive oil spray until tender. Store in the fridge and take that to put into your oatmeal. I also put a 1/2 pack of Truvia in the…
  • Hey there. I had always believed what others are posting about not worrying about natural sugars. I'll share with you information that my nutritionist shared with me just last week. The nutrients in fruits and vegetables help your body to eliminate some of their sugar, but my nutritionist indicated that I should not eat…
  • That is amazing!! I'm so happy for you. Congrats!!:wink:
  • It is so good that you are thinking of this in advance. Kudos to you!!! As I get more serious about what I eat, why I eat and when I eat, it is increasingly important to control my meals and snack. It is difficult for me to imagine that my family would feel it rude for me to bring food that I need to maintain my health…
  • Thanks so much
  • Hi Steve, Why no grains? Thanks!
  • Congratulations!!! I know that you will do it! Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • Hi Everyone! I'm so glad to have found this site. I am proud to be in the 50+ club and have made myself a vow to lose 78 pounds by this time next year. I have been exercising for about 2.5 years, but never really paid attention to the details related to my food choices. I ate fairly healthy, low saturated fats, watched my…
  • Hi Nicole, I am in awe of your ability to be honest with yourself. You are such a delightful spirit, open, honest and caring - I can tell by your profession.... helping others! As you can see from all of the wonderful souls who are offering their support to you, you are not alone in your feelings of dispair. Please, if you…