

  • feel free to add me folks. would be good to have some fellows to help motivate!
  • i didnt find my thighs too bad. just the front of my left foot. but i broke 3rd and 4th metatarsal when i was younger and get pain in it from time to time... was meant to do w1r1 again tonight but my mp3 player has malfunctioned. will be going back to the shop tomorrow (its inly 8 days old) then run w1r1 again tomorrow…
  • And thanks FireFox. To be honest, i quite liked getting all that off my chest. the only good thing about trolls is being able to shout at them hehe. theyre like verbal punch bags and as theyre unfeeling idiots you can get all the tension off your shoulders and no one gets hurts. Time to start preparing dinner... loving…
  • I have decided i wont be participating in the forums anymore. Thank you to all those who have made great suggestions, i will definately be taking some of them up and i will get back into my size 12UK (I dont wanna be skinny, just comfortable and happy). Thank you to those who have been supportive, i wish you all the best…
  • I have only been on this diet 3 days for frikks sake. i am not saying 'i am not losing wiehgt because i am undereating' i am saying that my food diary says i am undereating and i dont want to get a month down the line to find i havent done myself any favours. I dont know how to open my food diary to everyone. where have i…
  • Bron, i will accept advice on what to do about it now. but their is no use in people advising me with 'you should have eaten less/better in the past'. i cant do anything about that except to shed the weight now, which is what i was asking advice on. not, how do i make a balance meal in a mug whilst sleeping in a shop door…
  • It is my fault. i f*cked up my life and got myself in this mess. I went to the doctors and asked for help with my metal health and lost my job followed by my home, my friends, my family, everything as a result. I should never have asked for help and i wouldnt have been fired. To be honest, it should have taught me not ta…
  • I am not stupid. i didnt put the weight on through eating healthily. i put the weight on because i was always on the move. unable to cook and eat properly through having no utensils. I have been effectively homeless for 2 years going from homeless hostel to homeless hostel with nothing but a duffle bag. living on take out…
  • 1) i do not yo-yo diet. it is simply that the past few years have been particularly difficult meaning that looking after my health and fitness havent been paramount and the weight has crept up. 2) i do have milk on food i simply much prefer the non fat/skimmed option because i prefer the taste, unfortunately it lacks the…
  • i will be doing the second run of C25K. easing myself back into exercise after quite a long break. Happy new year
  • i cant stand full fat milk. this may sound silly to some, but i swear i can taste the fat in it, it is too creamy and it makes me wanna be sick. i live in a shared house and nuts are banned as one of my house mates will pretty much drop dead if she comes into contact with them so we er on the side of caution. think i will…
  • it is a phone app. i dont have a mobile phone. nor would i be able to afford weights if i had a phone...
  • I dont drink. I dont like how it makes me feel and even just the smallest amount changes my personality without me actually feeling intoxicated. i drank in my teens, a lot, but now i am happy to stay sober. most of my friends dont drink and my partner is allergic to alcohol (well, dextrose but she is yet to find alcohol…
  • Not much use for the Yanks but anyone wanting to try Insanity from the UK, this is the cheapest place to get it without illegal download. I gotta save up for it but I will be trying it out as soon…
  • Request sent (from a former harrogatonian) x