

  • I just eat whenever. Going low carb WILL curb cravings and you'll eat because you remember you need to eat and will stop binges.
  • Carbs are the enemy. Stay away from them for a bit and you will lose weight. It's rough the first time you go into carb withdrawl but it's worth it.
  • Yeah it sounds like you may have too big of a calorie deficit. If you workout, you need to make those calories up and be within 100 calories of your goal.
  • I do 5 meals a day around 300 calories each. I tried eating less earlier to save for later but I just ended up hungry and eventually going on a binge. Evenly throughout the day I also believe is the best for your metabolism.
  • Oh I agree it's the healthier option, but OP said they can't eat enough calories. So it's either go to McDonald's or stop(or reduce) the exercise.
  • Cutting out exercise for a few months while dieting isn't going to cause your body to shut down or make you less healthy. If the OP is having a hard time eating enough calories to make up for the working out then they should either force more food or work out less.
  • Simple solution: stop exercising while dieting? I stay away from any strenuous activity while on a calorie restricted diet. Always works well, once the weight is off, then I can work out to keep it off.
  • Working out regularly never helps me lose weight. It's all about the calories. But you don't want to consistently be UNDER the calorie goals. The calorie goals are already a deficit from what you should be burning on a regular day. I would try to stay within 100 calories of your daily calorie goals.
  • I weigh myself daily. It almost always goes down while dieting, but if it doesn't, I don't worry. Probably nothing a healthy BM couldn't fix.
  • Ah, that makes sense. Without the workouts in there your calorie goals would be much lower.
  • It depdends on how much you weigh, but I would be reluctant to consume any less than 1400 calories on any given day and definitely not less than 1600 as a daily average. If it's telling you 2200 calories to lose weight based off of your weight, age and height, then I'd listen to it. Eating too little for long periods of…
  • I'm actually going over my allowance on carbs for the day but just sticking to my calorie goals. Not doing any exercise because it tends to make me ridiculously hungry. Hopefully it will keep up. Thanks for the support!
  • I found that by eating 5 meals a day I can avoid late night hunger. first meal at 9am, last meal at 9pm. Helps keep blood sugar up so you don't want to binge.
  • My two fast food choices are fresco style tacos (crunchy, soft, chicken, doesn't matter) or Wendys grilled chicken go wrap. not too many calories and definitely good for a small meal, depending on how your diet works, etc.
  • Same here. I have 3 of them.
  • My wife is supportive of my diets even though they may seem weird to her. My friends however are another story. They like to give me a hard time about it and get me to go out to eat with them and stuff. I just remember that they are fat for a reason and are a constant reminder of why I started dieting in the first place.
  • I weigh myself daily just to see. Usually it's down by a few tenths but I don't let it get me down if it's not. I look at numbers not going down as even more reason to stick to it instead of giving up. YMMV.
  • Definitely in the morning after your morning pee. I also weight myself before bed just to see how much weight I 'put on' during the day, but I don't log it or anything, that part is just for fun.
  • If you are having too big of a calorie deficit for an extended period of time it will cause you to not lose weight as fast. I've found in previous calorie counting diets that sticking right at the calories allowance for the day yields best results. Try to stay within 100 calories of it on either side. Some days you may go…
    in STUCK! Comment by bigsal911 January 2011
  • Honestly for me counting calories is what always works. I do it for a while, lose weight and then I typically stay at my target weight for a while, start to blow back up and start counting again. When I go over for the day I just stop eating until the next day. Even if you get hungry, the hunger pains WILL subside. I eat 5…
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