How do you ration your calories?

cbevan Posts: 31 Member
So, I'm just getting started again, and wondering how people ration out their calories over the course of the day

Do you try to distribute them evenly, or save for a big dinner?
How much do you use for snacks?
Do you save some calories for wine or beer?

Right now, I'm trying for slow steady weight loss, which means 1500 calories a day for me. I am trying to use about 300 for breakfast, 300 for lunch, 500 for dinner, and that leaves about 400 for snacks, which for me might include a yogurt, 15 - 20 almonds, a cheese stick, or 2 dove dark chocolate promises.

So far, I've told myself that I can have wine as a reward on the days I actually get my butt on the elliptical machine. This does work as a motivator for me, and we're not going to look too far into what that means. ;)


  • tmaksparkie
    Well this is what I do, I eat 6 meals a day all meals consist of a protein/complex carb(veg)/fat and an occasional fruit. My meals are portioned by using my hand protein and carb are the size of my palm each and about a tsp of fats per meal. I never eat fruit or starchy carbs after 3 pm, I also drink 128oz of water a day I also love coffee but black only. I also work out 3x a week lifting weights and cardio everyday. Also if I eat a fruit it is always eaten with meals 1,2 or 3 never any later unless you workout in the evening. If I am going to put energy(carbs) in my body then I need to use them not go to sleep to have them stored as fat. Best of luck and remember to start slow it helps.
  • bigsal911
    I do 5 meals a day around 300 calories each. I tried eating less earlier to save for later but I just ended up hungry and eventually going on a binge. Evenly throughout the day I also believe is the best for your metabolism.
  • CarlaAnn15
    CarlaAnn15 Posts: 55 Member
    I've been counting calories since April 2010 and I try to consume the majority of my calories before Dinner (Supper). I try to stick to only eat 1200 calories a day. I try to only leave around 400-500 Calories for Dinner & evening snack. Breakfast is around 150-250 Calories (including Coffee w/light creamer), Mid-Morning snack around 100-150, Lunch around 250-300, Mid-Afternoon Snack around 100-150, Dinner around 400-500 and if any left, around 100 for evening snack before 7:30 - 8:00 PM. I drink LOTS of water. If I find by the time I get to my afternoon snack I've only got around 600 caloies left, I have something light and no more than 100 calories but something filling to hold me until Dinner time at 6:00 - 6:30 PM.

    Oh and I exercise pretty much every day but at least 5-6 times a week . I slack for a few months because of knee problems but after the Holidays, I'm full board!! I allow myself one cheat day but I don't go hog wild. I allow myself something I don't normally eat but I make sure that is also an exercise day!!!

    Good Luck to you!! Once you've got yourself on a plan, you'll know how to adjust accordingly!