michiganmanda Member


  • AHH mine is 9/28!! My original wedding goal was 185 and right now I'm 184 but am starting to get majorly stressed out finishing up all the little details so am very worried about maintaining it. I got my first 3 zits since college finals 3 years ago... Thank goodness my face has cleared up and now I am onto stress cancer…
  • Here are my before pics & my stats: Height: 5'10" SW: 230lbs @ July 2011 CW (3/21/13 with pics): 187 Challenge GW: 175 UGW: 165
  • My name is Amanda. I'm 43 pounds down from my top ever weight of 230 (5'10"). I'm trying to lose weight for my wedding in September and our honeymoon in Hawaii. I love golfing and am trying to love biking... I'm hoping it will finally warm up in Michigan so I can get to it. I'm currently doing a 10k steps challenge at…
  • LOL. I've never heard it called anything but a spatula. What region are you in?
  • We probably will. Kevin scuba dives but I've never done it before. He has actually never done any in warm water so he's really excited. We went to school in the upper peninsula so he always went in Lake Superior with 45 degree water... I don't even know what to ask but will see if he has any questions for you!
  • I'll get some pics on here tomorrow. I tried tonight but had a hard time convincing my fiance to take pics of me in a bikini when the reasoning I gave him was "to post online"... ... they're coming! Here are my stats: SW: 230 CW: 187.8 Challenge goal: 175 UG: 160
  • I'm changing my name. I thought about keeping it but since our future kids would have his last name anyway my last name is doomed as it is. I don't want to have kids with our hyphenated last names because everyone spells mine wrong and everyone says his wrong so it would just be a double mess. I'll be 25 at the time of the…
  • What is a pancake turner?
  • We're actually about to leave and make ours right now. I'll let you know how it goes. Could be interesting because I made this big idea list over the past week or so and FH keeps saying "I don't know what I want, I'll know it when i see it.... We already live together so we have a ton of the stuff people who don't register…
  • Forgot to mention my honeymoon details. So excited we just booked a week on Big Island of Hawaii. I wanted that island in particular since I used to work for the National Park Service I want to see Big Volcano National Park so badly. Kevin and I also are trying to see all 50 states before we have kids (we are over halfway…
  • Cookiemahnster: Saw your post on an Alaskan cruise as a honeymoon idea. I used to work at Glacier Bay National Park in Alaska which is a popular cruise destination. The boat doesn't actually dock there because there's not a dock big enough for the giant cruise ships. BUT the park rangers actually go out in these little…
  • One of my friends had a an entire boudoir calendar made of herself. She is thin but she has her own body image issues (ie no curves) and it still ended up looking very sexy. I think she had it done for free because it was by a photography student who wanted to use one for a class or something. She had like 60s style hair…
  • I bought a dress at a sample sale probably at the same level of tightness. It fits now after I've lost about 10 pounds. I'm 5'10" so if you're shorter less weight loss will probably get you there! My one issue is that the corset I had bought to wear underneath comes up too high so it pokes out the top of the back of my…
  • I bought my gown at a sample sale. It was originally $1000 but since it was off the rack it was $381. It was a little too long for me (which is crazy cus I'm 5'10"!!) so I'm getting shoes the correct height to make the gown the perfect length since I needed to buy shoes anyway and it saves on hemming. I also bought the…
  • We are having a 50 person wedding (including us) due to budget restrictions and space restrictions of the venue. There are only 3 people getting a plus one where we're not close to the date. That is because the person wouldn't know anyone at the wedding otherwise.
  • I have a fingertip length veil with narrow lace edging that matches the lace on the top part of my dress. I want to wear it in the back of my hair with some sort of decorated headband in front but I haven't found one yet.
  • Yep I live about halfway between Lansing and Ann Arbor. I have been looking at some things on Etsy but would like to see it in real life before I buy.
  • I picked my dress at the second shop to the horror of my aunt who wanted to make me play dress up for a month. But when you know you know! Plus i have a very averagely proportioned (if not sized, I'm 5'10" to boot!) figure so I can wear it off the rack and found it 60% off. Since it was off the rack it was very tight. In…
  • I did my Fab Abs today, I just skipped day 2 (had day 1 from your earlier post). Thanks for sharing with me! I didn't have much intended cardio today but we went to Costco to stock up on some staples and I had to carry a ton of heavy stuff up to our 2nd floor kitchen. Hopefully that counts for something!
  • I'm having a very rough week. I have been under my calorie goal every day and have been exercising but for some reason I have actually gained 2 pounds! The only positive is that I have a body comp scale and my % fat has not gone up at all. I'm hoping I at least gained some muscle weight (but 2 pounds in one week is a…
  • Thanks for the input ladies! My aunt really wants us to have "At Last" but the first time I heard it was on a vacuum commercial so that's what it makes me think of. D*** you Hoover for ruining a beautiful song for me!! I love Ingrid Michaelson's cover of "Can't help falling in love" but it has been vetoed by the groom...
  • Our ceremony is outside with no power nearby so I have to get some sort of person playing an instrument for that. Not sure what they're going to be playing there but I foresee it being less of a discussion.
  • I dated a guy once who was about 2" shorter than me which I was fine with until he started to take issue with it. He kept telling people that we were the same height but he just slouched so he looked shorter.... The tallest guy I ever dated was only 5" taller than me. I thought it was too tall, hard to get a kiss in! One…
  • This is kind of dumb but whenever I have to go to the restroom at work I use the one on the first floor (I work on the third floor). I can do the two flights without issue but they add up throughout the day.
  • Thanks for the ticker Destanie! I am losing weight agonizingly slow too. I was always heavier growing up and graduated high school weighing about 6 pounds more than I do now. I've lost 35 from my highest weight and am now the thinnest I've been as an adult. I need to lose 20-25 more to get to a healthy weight though. If I…
  • That looks just like mine, although I'm sure the diamonds are different. I love this. Classic, so you know we will still be on trend when we're 80 :)
  • Hello! I'm from Michigan, my fiance and met when we were at school in up in 'da UP even though we grew up only about 40 minutes apart in the Ann Arbor/Detroit area. I'm 24, will be 25 at the wedding September 28th 2013. We've been together about 4 & 1/2 years now. After we graduated college he had to move out to Nebraska…
  • I just joined this group on my lunch hour after lawyerette messaged me. I think this is the team I'm supposed to be on for a September 28th wedding. I am 5'10" and my weight on 1/6 was 194.8 for the competition. As info, through my company I get to meet with a "wellness coach" (she's a dietician) every two weeks to discuss…
  • I'm 24 and 5'10". But I never felt that tall in high school because 2 of my girlfriends were 6' and 6'3". Now that we all grew up and moved away it's hitting me. Feel free to add me!
  • Does Howell count as Greater Lansing Area?? I used to live in Grand Ledge and know that was legit.