

  • Thanks everyone for the tips and advice...My family came and took my baby for the day so I could rest...I must have needed the rest because I slept most of the day away...
  • My net intake is around 1500 a day, my goal is 1850. The closest I have come to meeting that in 21 days was yesterday at 1780. I do drink a cup of coffee with my breakfast but I def think I am going to try the tea after lunch. I am fairly active usually but my baby has been feeling under the weather the last few days. All…
  • I too have had great encouragement from everyone...I have to say today I actually saw a difference as I walked out of the bathroom...No one else had said anything but I no longer look like I'm 18 months pregnant, lol....I think I am going to def start to keep a photo log, that is a great idea btw
  • Thanks everyone for the great support. I was having a moment and all your comments helped me through.
  • My guess is diet and packets are ok in moderation. I heard about this challenge on the talk show called the "doctors." Thanks to the personal trainers that put their input in. I for one know that I have a problem with drinking way too many sugary drinks so this will be good for me. It will help me break some of my bad…
  • I am new to this site as well. I am also want to build a good virtual support system. Feel free to ad me as well. I have always battled my weight and have been on the yo yo end of things for stops this