afraid to weigh

I am going on three weeks of my new life style. I'm eating healthy, watching my caloric intake, being mindful of the foods I'm eating, exercising in the gym and have even turned house cleaning into exercise time as well.

I can feel a difference in my body in my movements. certain movements that use to be difficult to me are not so difficult now. Some of my clothes feel different but when I look at myself in a mirror, I don't see a difference.

I am terrified to step on a scale because if I don't see a weight drop I'm afraid I will become discouraged and give up. But, on the other side I am so curious to know if there is a difference in my weight. Ugh, I just don't know what to do....


  • hastinbe
    hastinbe Posts: 130 Member
    In that case I'd spread out your weigh-ins, maybe 2-3 weeks. Or don't weigh at all and use measurements instead. Just make sure to do them consistently, such as in the morning on an empty stomach or just before you eat if you're fasting. I prefer measurements, they're a lot more honest than weight.
  • k8ecakes
    you shouldn't be discouraged by the number. If you weigh more than what you thought, but your clothes feel different, it is likely you have gained muscle. Conversely, if you have gained weight, you could be retaining water.

    You could invest in a body composition scale that takes these things (water, height, pounds) into account for you and gives you your % body change which is a more accurate way to calculate your weight loss.

    or, you could just take your measurements (arm, waist, leg, thigh, neck, etc.) and track your progress with that

    please don't get discouraged. you are making a positive change
  • rosiereally2
    rosiereally2 Posts: 539 Member
    No need to weigh. Just keep doing what you're doing.
  • WinnerVictorious
    WinnerVictorious Posts: 4,735 Member
    I am going on three weeks of my new life style. I'm eating healthy, watching my caloric intake, being mindful of the foods I'm eating, exercising in the gym and have even turned house cleaning into exercise time as well.

    I can feel a difference in my body in my movements. certain movements that use to be difficult to me are not so difficult now. Some of my clothes feel different but when I look at myself in a mirror, I don't see a difference.

    I am terrified to step on a scale because if I don't see a weight drop I'm afraid I will become discouraged and give up. But, on the other side I am so curious to know if there is a difference in my weight. Ugh, I just don't know what to do....

    weigh or don't weigh... it doesn't matter. the number on the scale doesn't really mean anything at all. the scale is simply a trend tool. if you want to weigh in every month or every 3 months, it doesn't have any effect on the changes you're making in your life.
  • metacognition
    metacognition Posts: 626 Member
    Don't worry, if it's early in your program and you are sticking to the calorie goals, then you will see a dramatic weight loss within the first month.
  • glitteredgrave
    glitteredgrave Posts: 194 Member
    Don't weigh. Wait a month or so.
  • mamma_bear41
    Thanks everyone for the great support. I was having a moment and all your comments helped me through.
  • danibu98
    danibu98 Posts: 281 Member
    I was a chronic scale hopper, so last week I gave it to my husband and he hid it. I am much happier now and feeling like less of a slave to the scale. As long as I am logging everything I eat, staying within my range and exercising, I WILL lose weight.

    I shld say, I am weighing in weekly though. I may end up dropping that back to 2x a month...
  • kaypee65
    kaypee65 Posts: 120 Member
    I did the program for a month and lost an entire pants size before I worked up the courage for my starting weight.

    I try to avoid focusing as my weight as a motivator. Every day I eat healthy foods, every day I exercise, and every day that I make my goals is another day that makes me a winner!
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    If you haven't started already, get a tape measure and take measurements ASAP. Then, take pictures in a bathing suit or spandex clothing- something form fitting. (preferably not underwear, you won't be able to post your pics in a success story later!) These will be the tools that show your real progress. If you don't want to get on the scale, don't. To boot, I think 3 weeks is a bad amount of time for a woman to weigh, as you will be at different points in your (assuming ~28 day) menstrual cycle; if you're only going to do it once in a while, it's much better to do it at the same point in your cycle to eliminate hormonal fluctuations.
  • CarlieeBear
    CarlieeBear Posts: 325 Member
    When the scale doesn't move for me (or moves the wrong direction), I look at what I've eaten and how much I've worked out. If it's in line, I try to focus on that and the likelihood that the numbers are fluctuation related rather than actual negative results. It's always proven better the next week.

    I also check my ankles for water retention, because I know that's where I retain and it's obvious when I'm not retaining.
  • Babeskeez
    Babeskeez Posts: 606 Member
    This thread has encouraged me not to weigh myself for at least a week or two (havent weighed myself this week yet). I too am becoming obsessed with that stupid scale even though my inches are shown to be shrinking.
  • mamma_bear41
    I too have had great encouragement from everyone...I have to say today I actually saw a difference as I walked out of the bathroom...No one else had said anything but I no longer look like I'm 18 months pregnant, lol....I think I am going to def start to keep a photo log, that is a great idea btw