Fighting hunger

Hello everyone!

I have been on the program for 21 days as of today and the last two days I have been fighting hunger about an hour after every meal even the snacks. My average caloric intake is 1500 a day. On average I eat three meals, three snacks and drink between 9 and 11 cups of water a day.

I try to balance breakfast and lunch out with grains, proteins, veggies and fruit, dinner is grains proteins and veggies. Snacks vary between dairy and grain, cheese and fruit or nuts and veggies.

I go to the gym for 40 minutes of cardio 3 days a week for now until my body adjusts to working again, then my work outs will be increase and strength training added. As I am asthmatic and I am building lung strength to increase workouts.

Why I am I being hit with hunger an hour after I eat? Is it because my metabolism is burning faster and needs more? Is my body telling me its ready for an increase?


  • BCSMama
    BCSMama Posts: 348
    How did you get the 1500 as your goal? If you have set MFP to loose 2 lbs per week, you might want to adjust it to 1 or 1.5 so you can increase your calories and still loose. I find foods higher in healthy fats and protein fill me up for longer periods of time than carbs or even fruit and veggies (although I still eat a lot of those for other reasons). Also, for me, I find having a cup of coffee or black tea right after lunch helps curb my appetite.
  • maryjay52
    maryjay52 Posts: 557 Member
    dont know how busy you are in your day but i find when i keep myself doing things im less likely to think of the hunger in the same boat as you with it . however i find myself feeling hungry when im sittinig around on the computer or watching a show on tv more than if i am busy
  • mamma_bear41
    My net intake is around 1500 a day, my goal is 1850. The closest I have come to meeting that in 21 days was yesterday at 1780. I do drink a cup of coffee with my breakfast but I def think I am going to try the tea after lunch.

    I am fairly active usually but my baby has been feeling under the weather the last few days. All he wants is to be cuddled and rocked. So that has put me in a position where I am rocking and watching the television or reading books to him. LOL, yesterday he brought me the same book ten times I swear...