

  • My name is Anne I am 59 years old, 5'6" and currently 152 lbs. Atmy best (when I was much younger) I was 132 lbs, myhighest ever was 170 or so. I started using MyFitnessPal on January 2nd of 2013, after learning about it on our local news channel. I started that same day, with 158 lbs, and I am now down to 152. My current…
  • No matter if I put in 1 or 2 pounds per week to lose, it always shows me 1200 cal. But maybe the reason is that I don't really have/want to lose that much. My weight loss goal is only 10 pounds and I am 4 pounds away from that. As for today (and some other days before) I have over 200 calories left, and no way I can eat…
  • I amdoing the 1200 calories since January, and I am never hungry or have any cravings. It is all about what you do with these 1200. Today it is 6pm and I have 300 left and I am not even planning on eating anything anymore.
  • I just bought anew rice cooker the other day at Target. I cooks rice, steams veggies and other stuff, it bakes and it slow cooks, which is great for soups, plus it has a sear/simmer featureas well.. It is made by Aroma. I use it every ay sonce, and I love it.
  • I think they encore the show, I watched a few episodes. They eat garbage, it is disgusting.
  • If you have a serious solution, please let me know. I spend about $20 a day just for myself on groceries, would love to see how someone can do it for $50 a month. I love to buy good quality. I eat a lot of salmon, fresh fruit like strawberries, raspberries, I use almond milk, which is almost $4 for 1/2 gallon. I buy high…
  • start weight: 158 current weight: 152 Goal weight: 148 height: 5'6"
  • Have you considered the Ninja? I use one and it pretty much liquifies everything, no matter which model, they are all pretty powerful.
  • So if I voice my personal opinion I am judging? We have a lot of rude people on this board. As a member: If someone asks a question I have the right to respond in any way I want as long as I follow the rules of theboard moderator.
  • Flax meal has a fairly good amount of calories, better log that! I used to not log my coffee creamer, until I figured that I use almost 300 calories per day in coffee creamer, that is almost the amount of a meal, since I know that I log it. Once in a greatwhile I use Splenda, it has zero calories, but it counts towards…
  • I don't log black coffee, tea,spices, my meds, which are Centrum, garlic, magnesium and DHEA, and I don't log everything that is zero calories. I don't use calories that I previously burned doing exercises, so I stay within my calories allowance no matter what I do.
  • I agree with this opinion. I haven't had a drop of alcohol in years, and I can very well enjoy life that way. sometimes I don't understand why people can't have fun without alcohol. Plus, alcoholic drinks have lots of calories.
  • Interesting the possible connection between cow milk and acne. I had acne as a teenager, and of course 40-50 years ago milk was what kids got to rink, and back then there was only full fat milk, at least where I grew up. My husband used to drink a lot of milk when he was a kid, he had bad acne. It would explain a lot.
  • while I exercise I exercise or have an exercise DVD with instructions in my player. I do not watch TV or lisen to music while I exercise, it is a distraction - at least for me.
  • You have a good WW leader! I have never figured out why some of them work for WW, I guess some of them used WW at some point for themselves and ended up working there. But I had one, that did nothing but lecturing us in a way that really turned me off. There was another one that I really liked, but she worked on a day when…
  • That is weird that they set up your points so high. I have the Points Plus calculator, which estimates your points for you, and comes up with 29 for me, and I compare with MFP, and with my daily calories I usually also stay within my Points. Are you sure they didn't make a mistake? It is possible, right?
  • I believe for those who want the personal contact with other people, exchanging stories etc., WW is good, it is not only the weekly weigh in, it is like a self help group. I personally am better and more focused if nobody gets in my way (in any way). I tried diets with my husband around, had to cook for him different food…
  • I tried Hydroxicut years ago, all it did for me it made me feel dizzy. I took Metabolift many, many years ago before they discontinued it, when they had to takethe Ephedrine out. That stuff worked great for me, but is not available anymore. If there is a lot of caffeine in these pills (any kind) it just gives you probably…
  • I am having a shake for breakfast every morning, with milk, protein and fruit. I used to use skim milk, but it has lots of sugar. Then someone told me to try almond milk, so I did, I wouldn't drink it plain, but in my shake it is good, very creamy. I started with regular, now I have unsweetened. I might use skim milk…
  • you should reconsider your judgment on me not exercising. I am 60 years old and can hardly walk due to major back problems. I would love to walk or exercise moderately, but if you ever had a back injury you would know what I am talking about. I am living with constant pain for almost 30 years!
  • I joined WW many years ago, and I really liked it. I kept the weight off for many years, gained 10 back last year after major dental work, when I was basically not able to eat any real food for several months, so I turned to soups, yogurt and ice cream. What a mistake. Still thinking what I should have done instead. I…
  • I am eating around 1200 cal a day and I am losing about 1 pound per week. It all depends what you eat. I mean I could easily have my 1200 with one meal, but that is not the sense. I have about 400 with breakfast, which is a shake, made in my blender, contains flaxseeds, skim milk or almond milk, frozen fruit, protein…
  • don't stick too much to this MFP plan. Here is n interactive calculator that gives you a better picture what you should eat:
  • If we would agree with that study we wouldn't be here trying to lose weight, right? Everybody has the right to be fat, skinny or whateverr they chose to be. I just know that I feel uncomfortable when I sit in my recliner and my stomach feels like it is in my way, so I know eactly when I hit the point when I have to lose…
  • My breakfast every morning is a smoothie with almond milk, protein powder (usually chocolate) and some frozen fruit, like straberries, raspberries or banana. I cut the bananas in slices and freeze them on a baking sheet, store them in a container and keep them in the freezer. I use them as I need them. I buyall my fruit…
  • I started January 2nd, and I never went over my daily calories. If I do it once, I will do it again. I want to lose "only" 10 pounds, and it is hard enough, since I am not really overweight. If I allow myself to slip I will never reach that goal. Once I decided to lose those 10 pounds I promised myself absolute discipline,…
  • this link takes you to the USDA, and on the bottom of the interactive calculator it says clearly "total water intake includes all water contained in food, beverages and drinking water." I should rathjer say fluid intake instead, but when I look at my numbers,…
  • My husband used to reward himself with a huge meal, well guess what, he gained the weight back pretty quickly. My reward is that my clothes fit comfortably again and I don't get scared when I look in the mirror. I definitely do NOT reward myself with food. Good luck everyone!