davidbronkalla Member


  • I second Lawrys seasoning salt - best popcorn topping ever
  • I love shredding sweet potatos in the mandolin to get hash brown strips and then just frying them in a skillet until crunchy. I add some garlic to them and a little bit of salt. I will have to try adding an egg to it as well after the potatos are just about ready.
  • I trained on the treadmill all winter (I was never a runner before this) and was able to get outside 3 or 4 times this spring (Wisconsin weather is not very pleasant). I found running outside much more enjoyable that inside on the treadmill. It seemed that I could go farther outside and not even notice it. I am actually…
  • I finally finished last night! I started January 17th, so I ended right on time. On my last day, i completed 3.38 miles including the warm up and cool down. Throughout the program, i went 65.6 miles in 14:54:30 for an average pace of 13:38 per mile. Now it is time for the weather to warm up and I can finally start running…
  • There is a 5K that I was hoping to run in early April. After I graduate, I plan on remaining at 30 minutes of running but working on increasing my speed.
  • I just finished week 6 last night and i walk at 3.5mph and run at 5.1mph with a 1% incline. In the beginning I was walking at 3.2mph and jogging at 4.7mph
  • Finished week 6 last night! 25 minutes of jogging was no problem!
  • I just finished W5D3 last night and it felt amazing. I was very surprised with myself for being able to do it. It seemed that the second 10 minutes of jogging went much better than the beginning 10 minutes.
  • I am finishing up week 4 today. I have noticed a huge difference since the beginning of the program. I have lost about 10 pounds so far and my overall mood/stamina has gone up significantly. I never believed it when people said how much better they feel from exercising but I really do feel much better after running.
  • seligcrystal - I am doing the program on the treadmill currently. Today will be Week 4, Day 3. I set the treadmill to a 1% incline to help mimic running outside.
  • Update - I finished week 3 yesterday and it felt amazing, I was disappointed when the 3 minute jogging sessions were up. I am looking forward to week 4 tomorrow and the 5 minutes of jogging.
  • I take a big portion of spinach, 1 can of tuna, and 1 serving of blue cheese crumbles. It is simple but has a lot of flavor. I am not a fan of dressing on my salads so it is just dry. This will keep me full for hours.
  • If you are doing this indoors on a treadmill and do not want to use a phone/tablet, I would suggest this website: http://www.c25k.com/c25k_treadmill.html It has all of the times on there of when to walk/jog
  • Today I will be starting Week 3, Day 1. I never thought that I would actually enjoy running but it is a good stress reliever and I always feel better after the runs.
  • My fiancee and I make flat out pizza's all the time! I have found it better to prebake the flatout wraps for about 7 minutes before adding the toppings so they get crispy (I am a huge fan of crispy, thin crust pizza)
  • Well I was a little late to start the program due to the treadmills always being full at the gym. I will be doing Week 2, Day 1 tonight. The first week felt great and am actually excited for week 2 now.
  • I purchased this cookbook off of amazon: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0881507237/ref=oh_details_o02_s00_i00 It has already proven its worthiness with some delicious recipes. I have made turkey and white bean chili multiple times out of there which is cheap and very filling.
  • I may be strange but I love cottage cheese with sunflower seeds in it (without shells of course)
  • There are trainers available at the gym but I would prefer not to pay extra for this (money is really tight right now). I was planning on using youtube and past knowledge for form (I played rugby in High School and learned the necessary form for different lifts then). More of what I am looking for is a basic program that I…
  • Here is a link to the program for anyone interested: http://www.coolrunning.com/engine/2/2_3/181.shtml If you go there and scroll down, you will see the plan laid out. I decided to download the app on my phone for a more convenient way to use it.
  • I would like to lose at least 15 pounds by the end of the challenge. I will be starting the Couch to 5k program for anyone interested in the results of it.