

  • Well since you asked my opinion... your macro ratios are something like 95% carbs, 2.25% protein, and 2% fat which is an incredibly unbalanced diet. I believe you are possibly setting yourself up for some serious nutrient defeciencies which can lead to long-term health conditions. If that is your temporary plan, then it is…
  • I said 40g of protein to "start the day" and max out at 80g (mine is technically 90-100g)
  • LOL.. I eat grains * 4 slices of whole grain bread per day. My spaghetti sauce with pasta is 1200 calories alone, pure vegetarian sauce & spinach organic pasta. have a look at my diet plan. It's viewable to everyone I believe.
  • First of all, all plant-based foods have an average of 7% fat. There is no way that I will ever consume 30% fat. Maybe 15% max. I am as healthy as can be and have had my vitamins tested. I burn over half those calories easily, and I am here to gain a bit more weight so I do not need to burn ALL the calories that I consume.…
  • I am on a high carb diet, so it balances out my "moderate protein intake" it's not measly lol.. I consume over 3000 calories, over 600g of carbs and 80g of fat so my protein doesn't have to be through the roof. I have a hard time reaching over 100g of protein even if I wanted to consume that much and that's on a high…
  • Okay, lets not debate that factor, because we both have conflicting opinions. So since it seems you know about nutrition, I'd like to know your opinion on my personal diet. I do heavy labor 40 hrs a week and it's a vegan diet to gain about 10-15 lbs, as I feel 71kg is too thin for 6'1" but I do weightlift and have less…
  • You quoted a very well-known doctor to be a liar. No worries, you can believe what you want. Remember, most mainstream media suppresses a lot of things that we should know to better our health, but there is no profits to be made for making people healthy. And that is why America is the leading country for being the sickest…
  • You can store fat and you can store carbohydrates but you can't store protein. The average omnivore eats over 140g of protein. Our bodies only need 30g of protein to start your day and max out at around 80g. Your liver begins to break it down and as it metabolizes it, it releases all kinds of toxic nitrogen containing…
  • Yes it is possible to eat too much protein. When you consume too much protein, your body begins to urinate/excrete calcium out of the body. This is called "hypercalciuria" .. so when we look at osteoporosis, we have to wonder if it's caused by calcium deficiency or excess protein. I also believe this is only if it comes…
  • No you don't -absolutely- need to be in a calorie deficit to lose weight. I maintain my weight, hardly exercise, and I eat 3300-4000 calories a day. Why don't I lose weight.? Cause I eat 600g of carbs a day and over 100 grams of fiber. Moderate protein (under 90g) and only 4% of the 80g of fat I take in is saturated. I am…
  • It's called extensive research on health for the past 3 years, almost 6 hrs a day every day, so do the math. That's all I do is study nutrition. Alarmist.? I guess you're another propaganda believer thinking the FDA wants to keep us healthy because there is lots of profit to be made by curing people and making them more…
  • LOL.. clean, as in "not sprayed with chemicals" not in the literal sense. Organic cereal does not come with dirt in it, or does it.? :P
  • I disagree. You put petro-chemicals in your body and your immune system will shut down and make your body susceptible to cancer & other auto-immune diseases. We all need CLEAN ORGANIC FOOD. Proper live enzymes consumed & absorbed will kick-start the body's natural healing mechanisms and begin arresting and sometimes…
  • Your body will ALWAYS STAY HUNGRY until you provide the body with the proper amount of healthy live enzymes from plant-foods. I do not agree with wheat-belly.. it doesn't do that for everyone, only for those who are allergic to gluten. 50% of people in the world are allergic to gluten in some form or another. We need…
  • Info below from this website: GM labeling on all food products is mandatory in Europe! Oh, but here in America, consumer’s are left in the dark as to exactly what they are eating. IF YOU ARE UNAWARE: GMO MEANS YOU ARE…
  • Kashi uses corn syrup, hydrogenated oils & food coloring to create "fake blueberries" I am not sure about Lean Crunch, but if they make fake blueberries & promote it like they are "real" then you have to ask yourself, "what else could they be deceptively selling us.?"…
  • All monopoly brands of cereal such as Post, General Mills, Kellogg's, etc use refined flours & they have a chemical agent called BHA & BHT. Research it.. you will think twice about buying cereals like that again. Stick to Jordan's Morning Crisp organic cereals & Nature's Path. I prefer Nature's Path as they promote…
  • Meat is loaded with saturated fat and a lot of cholesterol. Our body produces enough cholesterol in the liver, therefore we do not need more of it. That is part of why our bodies are designed to be herbivores. When you consume a lot of animal protein (you get way too much protein this way) and you get what is called…
  • I was an omnivore 7 months ago.. I transitioned straight from a meat-eater to a strict raw vegan. I even quit coffee, alcohol, soda & all forms of sugar. I don't drink soy milk, only almond milk & I consume only fermented soy such as miso, tempeh & natto. I found it extremely easy to transition to this diet, maybe because…
  • I am a special vegan :P I avoid all refined carbohydrates like white flour, white sugar, white bread, white rice & white pasta. I avoid non-fermented soy, including soy milk. I only consume the fermented soy such as tempeh, natto & miso. I also do not consume any form of sugar as most sugar generally feed bacteria. I also…