Any other vegans out there?


So the time is fast approaching when I'm going to be transitioning back to my favourite diet, the raw vegan. However, it's been a little while and I was wondering if anyone had some awesome, cheap tips or recipes to share. Also, anyone in this regard, please add me. I'd love to share things back and forth!

Thanks so much!



  • Shellsmiley
    Shellsmiley Posts: 323 Member
    There are a LOT of Vegans on this site. :bigsmile: Search word "Vegan" in the blue lettered words right below where it says "Message Boards >> Food and Nutrition :drinker: You'll let a lot of topics.
  • mlkuper
    mlkuper Posts: 10
    I've gone from vegetarian to vegan this year. I did post a couple of raw things on the thread asking about lunch/dinner options, but I'm not 100% raw. I like cooked food and do see some benefit from it (killing bacteria, etc). I do have raw friends though and juice/eat raw frequently, but not all the time.

    Great to meet other vegans/vegetarians!
  • matrixkingdom
    I am a special vegan :P
    I avoid all refined carbohydrates like white flour, white sugar, white bread, white rice & white pasta. I avoid non-fermented soy, including soy milk. I only consume the fermented soy such as tempeh, natto & miso. I also do not consume any form of sugar as most sugar generally feed bacteria. I also avoid coffee, soda, beer & liquor as they are all forms of processing/refining. I eat nothing from a can or plastic as most cans/plastic contain Bisphenol-A chemical linings. I came to this site to promote what I believe to be the healthiest way to avoid & prevent illness/disorders/cancer/auto-immune diseases. I also make sure I eat an 80% alkaline diet, and less than 20% acid.
  • Shellsmiley
    Shellsmiley Posts: 323 Member
    Bump :heart: