melrae675 Member


  • has a lot of extended size cups...
  • Your pictures are just what I needed. SO stuck in a rut. Thanks for the results.
  • My Dad used to make like four dishes on Sunday afternoons and put them in the fridge for the week. Gotos like grilled chicken breast, hummus, raw vegetables, and homemade vegetable based soup I try to make on Sunday when I am home. The crockpot cook also be your bf! Good Luck, Melanie
  • They say that swimming two to three times a week increases your maybe skip the gym for the pool(if you have one available) a couple times next week. We started swimming a week ago. and I LOVE IT Melanie
  • Regardless of lose if you make more healthful choices you will feel better. Depending on what you have to lose expecting 1-2 pounds a week lose is the best way. And I would suggest you STOP weighing yourself more than once a week. Have a consistent day and time (mine is first thing Monday mornings before food or drink and…
  • I truly just started intergrating excercise and do not use my workout calories...Friend me and we will see at my weigh in on Monday if the results are worth it. I bet they are. You are creating more of a calorie deficit so you should see more results, Melanie
  • I can understand why this would be the case but my new husband and I are trying to beat this trend. After being so heavy my whole life and he with about 65 pounds to lose we are using our union as a team effort for change. We have lost 48.4 pounds since the first of the year. I like to think we are bucking that trend.…
  • Well I am NOT a runner but working out to the Black Eyed Peas or the Yeah Yeah Yeahs always moves me
  • I think anymore than a weekly weigh in with really mess you up emotionally. I HATE the scale and all it involves. We picked Monday morning...Every Monday morning when we (my husband and I wake) and before we eat or drink. I have only gained once so far (after a all you can eat sushi/ice cream incident for Valentines) so…
  • If you have been measuring you food and you are say at a buffet you should be able to eye portion sizes...Will you have access to the data base? Drink water eat fresh unprocessed foods. You should be golden and maybe come back with a loss! Best of luck and you should really enjoy yourself and undulge a little. Not many…
  • Tell me what kinds of foods you like and I will try to help. I eat quick oats with applesauce or berries mixed in for breakfast...Salad or stir fry with boneless skinless chicken for lunch...I really would need to know what you like. I have a lot more calories than you but I use very healthful options with whole grains…
  • Its the only thing I have stuck to long than six weeks in my life. I have lost 19.2 pounds and my husband has lost 28.2 pounds. It can be done just be completly honest with yourself and weigh and measure your food are my tips. Best of LUCK, Melanie
    in Hello Comment by melrae675 February 2011
  • Ladies it's been seven weeks and I have lost 19.2 pounds and my husband has lost 28.2 pounds. Just be honest with your entries and it will ALL happen! I have a very long road (about 240 pounds to lose) but thanks to this site I am 18 pounds from my first goal! Good Luck...Onward and downward. Melanie
  • Thank you so much. I make a lot of homemade vegetable and past dishes etc. So now I can get my calories per serving. Melanie p.s. Down 19.2lbs in seven weeks!