spackham Member


  • Count calories for weight loss. I always allow myself to have a treat if it is within my calorie limit. The fact that they are usually so high in calories is the only reason I don't eat them more. Most of the time I'd rather have MORE of GOOD food. So, enjoy the fun foods when you can afford them.
  • I am 45 and want to add myself to his "list" of over-40.
  • I am motivated by your story. Nothing is better than self-acceptance. You look great and it shows in your eyes!!!
  • Now THAT is funny
  • Honest answer? Frozen meal with extra frozen veg. I also like toast with peanutbutter and jelly or cottage cheese with various seasonings. I also like to make large portions of things that save well that I can eat a few times, like a black bean and corn salsa that I can eat plain or serve on meats or in salads. Or cooking…
  • Yep! That is the magic of MFP!!!
  • I did my long run today... I NEED those calories!!!
  • I agree with all the comments here. So, you wanna do a 1000 calorie diet? I support that... for 3 days. It's not good for you but it might help you realize that dieting WITH the proper amount of calories for weight loss is not diet at all; in fact, it can be pretty easy when you know you can eat food and still lose weight.…
  • Rice milk from costco in the blue boxes. My family will even eat it with cereal.
  • Maybe he just wanted to run a marathon and didn't want to do all the training for it which is almost like a part-time job. Was it smart? No. Did he want to run a marathon anyway? Yes. He probably thought as you suggested, that he is athletic and been a soccer player so why not give it a go. I bet he would not do it again…
  • CONDA... manipulative, toxic, and makes it her life's ambition to get people to hate other people for her own personal benefit... I want to stage my own revolt against that nasty girl and stop watching. Notice how she and her brother manipulate their weight losses and gains and what people do so they will stay in it while…
  • In my underwear and after I pee
  • A thick gold necklace with a matching bracelet that was so cheap it may have been made of recycled foil. Not even gold plated. Looked like costume jewelry. I was probably purchased Christmas Eve for $3. To make it a "fun" gift it was put inside of a large Hershey bar. What made it worse is the nice gift this person was…
  • I know it is hard but just stick with it. Sometimes you are still losing inches of fat and gaining muscle and that has been the case for me most of my little plateaus. However, the past 2 months have been a true plateau. All I can say is that I did not give up. I definatley did not try as hard every day because I was so…
  • WTG! That is where i am too... 20 left to go!!! We can do this! I have not lost as fast as you so my goal is the last 20 by Valentines day.
  • Eat nuts for those extra calories. The good fats are really good for you. Avocados or guacamole are great high cal choices to bring your net up. I shoot for 1100-1300 net.
  • Fever? Stay home. Cold? Definitely exercise but not as much (less intensity and/or less days) unless you are feeling up to it. Just make sure you drink extra amounts of water and take some Vitamin C too. I have been sick myself last week which has turned into a cold and I surprised myself how well I could do at the gym…
  • I didn't know your story and it is an amazing one. I, too, feel the emotional changes are the hardest. It is fun to be fit. I will never let myself go back to all those weight problems. I have 20 pounds to goal weight and even though my body is not cooperating and I have to figure out what is going on, I will never quit…
  • I have become a regular at my treadmill class. They have seen me go from a big, huge fatty to someone that can keep up with the best of them. They have become my friends and ask why I missed when that happens. It has become a social group as much as it is an exercise group. Find a class you like and become a regular. That…
  • No. Your relationship comes first. Just let her know you are unable to have her move in.
  • Thanks for posting the pics. I am 10 pounds from being in the "normal" category and had been struggling. You success helps remind me I can get to goal weight which is even 10 pounds more. I was feeling like my body just might not be able to get there. You are proof that I just need to keep going until I arrive. It is an…
  • ***CHEERING*** And an AMEN to everything you said! I have about 25 pounds to go and have been struggling. Your words of absolute truth really helped me. So what if I have been bouncing withing 4 pounds for about 3 months. I am still fighting, fighting the hardest part of the battle, the demons. I am working my butt off in…
  • I have never done WW or counted calories until the beginning of this year when I joined MFP. Lots of success. I have a friend on WW and she seems frustrated all the time and not as successful either. I love the support here and the forums 24x7. When I need it I can read it. MFP works for me and I would rather use a free…
  • You could be losing fat and gaining muscle. I lost only 3.4 pounds but there was 7 pounds of fat lost and muscle GAIN. I was frustrated until I got fat tested again and saw what really happened. I agree to just keep going.
  • I had the same "diet" problem and it is easy to solve. I added nuts and avocado and sometimes I would go to my parents home and tell them "I need to have some chocolate covered almonds today" (didn't dare to keep them in my home) and then I would count out what I needed. When you don't eat enough on a regular basis, you…
  • My nutritionist said "No." Sorry. Just hit it hard today and make it a great cal deficit.
  • Lots of great tunes out there but I think I have one that trumps the Muppets... choral music. Sometimes I skip if i am not it the mood for it but it is on there!!!
  • Great NSV!!! Makes you realize it really is about heath and fitness instead of weight and pant size. Happy for you. It feels good to feel good.
  • Oh, one more thing... I only run on a treadmill and I ran my race just fine. It feels different but I was so nervous that I hardly noticed.