Hard to find motivation

When I started on this adventure, I was so gung-ho and excited! I'm now reaching that phase where it's getting tough to find the desire to go work out. I know if I can just get through this little period of difficulty, I'll be fine. It doesn't help that I still have this stupid cold and it's dark and rainy outside. Makes you want to stay in and do nothing! I guess it's a good thing I joined a gym...I can exercise indoors, so there's really no excuse except that I just don't feel like going! I will make myself go, though. I know I'll feel better after I do. I've noticed on my rest days (usually Sunday) that I feel lazy and fat, but on the days I go, even when I don't feel like it, I feel strong and, well, less fat (can't really say skinny yet!).

Anybody else feel this way? It's nice to know you're not alone!


  • ChantalGG
    ChantalGG Posts: 2,404 Member
    Do you have a workout partner? Maybe try to recruit some if you dont. I know when i dont want to go but i have already committed i feel bad and go anyways because i dont want to look lazy or disappoint anyone. When i get there i am glad i went.
  • GibsonDarlin
    GibsonDarlin Posts: 202 Member
    YEP!!! Today is my day that I wish I could just stay in the bed!! Its overcast and cloudy here. I had a great day yesterday!! I too will push on through this day. Tomorrow is a NEW day!
  • redefiningmyself
    redefiningmyself Posts: 476 Member
    What I've found helpful in the past is to have mini goals that have an end date.
    Like, doing a 5km walk. I first measure my time doing it, then plan to half the time to walk the 5 km, and I have 1 month to work towards that goal to see if I can do it or not.

    I've also done things like doubled my treadmill time, or doubled the number of crunches I can do. But I always set a reasonable short term deadline to do it in, otherwise I don't work as hard.

    I've also set up larger goals too - A few years ago I did the CN Tower Stair climb (1770 steps), and did the weekend to end breast cancer walk (60 km over 2 days) Its great to have large goals, but I'm currently finding mini ones more helpful to keep focused.

    I'm currently trying to find more ideas of mini goals to do this fall/winter. I posted a question on that this morning, so if anyone else has any ideas please let me know.
  • kmbrooks15
    kmbrooks15 Posts: 941 Member
    Do you have a workout partner? Maybe try to recruit some if you dont. I know when i dont want to go but i have already committed i feel bad and go anyways because i dont want to look lazy or disappoint anyone. When i get there i am glad i went.

    My parents are out of town right now, but I'm hoping to get them to join the gym with me and meet me some to work out. My sister is a dancer, so she gets plenty of exercise at ballet class. And before you suggest it, no, I will NOT go to ballet class. I refuse to subject the viewing public to that sight! LOL

    This site is so helpful on the motivation. If I can't post my exercise for the day, it kind of bugs me. So I'll go just because I don't want to have to sit down tonight and have no exercise logged!
  • mirfaciane
    Well, it seems as though you have already gotten into the spirit of working out and eating healthy. I know exactly what you mean by getting bored with it. I always feel better if I work out as weel but the thing that bothers me is...I don't want to be one of those people who's life revolves around loosing weight and working out and counting and portioning and writing down everything that I put in my mouth. Yes, I would love to loose weight and be more healthy...but if I wanted my life to revolve around fitness and diets and charts and calenders and tennis shoes and sweat and blah blah blah....then I would have become a personal trainer...or and accountant....or a been born a boy....

    Anyway I feel your pain. I'm 23 and in college and I often look around at these other girls and wonder how they stay so skinny when I just saw them 3 nights ago at the bar throwing back cold ones...then going and ordering the entire waffle house menu...I look at a beer...or a waffle...and automatically gain 5 lbs...its quite depressing!
  • Sookie_182
    Sookie_182 Posts: 72 Member
    feel your pain! having a bad day today! but we can do it! we have made the importrant step in coming here, to others that are in the same situation as us and have gotten through it! I find that if I look at some of the success stories they give me a boost! If they can do it why the hell can't I??? :noway:
    I'm sure they each had their own bad days and still do.. but with dedication and hard work we will get there and who knows maybe over time we might break one or two of them bad habits that we foirmed along the way!
    Don't feel too down hun! we're all in the same boat and we're gonna help each other every step of the way! :happy:
  • spackham
    spackham Posts: 252 Member
    I have become a regular at my treadmill class. They have seen me go from a big, huge fatty to someone that can keep up with the best of them. They have become my friends and ask why I missed when that happens. It has become a social group as much as it is an exercise group. Find a class you like and become a regular. That has helped me get through what you are struggling with right now.
  • katkins3
    katkins3 Posts: 1,360 Member
    For me, habit helps overcome inertia.
    I try to build a habit so strong that I don't debate with myself if I'll go or not, my car just goes there likes it's on autopilot.
    Good habits take time to build, but help me get out of the "inner debate".
  • ImKindOfABigDeal40
    ImKindOfABigDeal40 Posts: 807 Member
    Do you have a workout partner? Maybe try to recruit some if you dont. I know when i dont want to go but i have already committed i feel bad and go anyways because i dont want to look lazy or disappoint anyone. When i get there i am glad i went.
    Very good suggestion. Having someone to hold you accountable really does the trick
  • mamafrahm
    mamafrahm Posts: 132 Member
    I have MANY days where it is hard to find motivation. I take one look at my kids and know that I want to see not only them have children, but I want to be there to see their children have children. Try finding a work out partner like the previous poster suggested. And just take it a day at a time..
  • Mios3
    Mios3 Posts: 530 Member
    I have felt like this before, and all I can say is just DO IT! Like you said, you feel so much better when you do :wink:
  • kmbrooks15
    kmbrooks15 Posts: 941 Member
    Well, I went and got in 30 minutes on the elliptical at a faster speed than I normally go, so that's good. I got a phone call, though, and had to leave before I got my strength training in. I had a delivery coming to the house, and they were an hour early! Oh, well...I'll do extra tomorrow. At least I got there and got through the hardest part. I think some of it is that I'm having some pain in the left leg when I do the elliptical. I'm sure it's just the general aches and pains of working out, but it makes it hard to get through it. I have to just keep plugging away at it until the pain eases. It feels fine after I'm done, so I just have to push through!

    My parents come back Saturday, then I'm gone for a few days. I'm hoping when we are all back from out of town that my mom or dad or both will join and work out with me. I know that would help a lot!