

  • Yes, this is a great time to drink your shake because your muscles will absorb all the nutrients from the shake the best immediately after your workout. This is also good if your workout is early enough in the day to where you will be hungry enough to eat your last meal.
  • I don't recommend it either, I actually threw my back out doing Insanity and had to take a week off!
  • I used to get really bad shin splints with Insanity. I started just doing it a few times a week until my body and shins could adjust. Also, stretching your calves really helps as well as rest. I bought arch pads for my shoes because my feet are kind of flat which I found out can give you shin splints. I also bought a new…
  • Also, it has good fats in it, not the bad fats, so dont worry about that. It also has alot of potassium in it which is really good for you.
  • I think tuna is a great, quick, healthy option for lunch and they are portioned right in the packets. I love the flavored ones and mix them with veggies and rice for my lunch. Its really easy! The only thing about having tuna often is the sodium content in them. i have noticed if I dont keep up with my water intake and…
  • I would love to do it with you. I will finish Insanity next week just in time to start again on the 6th. Do you already have the facebook page set up?
  • I have done two-a-days before with Insanity and I loved it, BUT I ended up wearing myself out. I think eating quite a bit more calories while doing a workout twice a day is a good idea or you will run out of energy.
  • I have a SportLine HRM watch and I love it. I just am not sure its really accurate, but its better than nothing. On the Plyometric Circuit, it said I burned over 700 calories, but no the Cardio and Power Resistance, it said I only burnt just over 340 calories, but it was a hard work out. So I am not sure. I guess its…
  • I cant wait for that feeling, but I am at the point where I start to gain alot of muscle and my legs get bigger. I end up having to wear a larger size pair of shorts. I guess its mostly about how we look huh? Good job! I am proud of you and I bet you feel amazing!