J_Miller2007 Member


  • By the end of it I am pushing myself so hard to not give up and when it gets down to the last circuit I am so happy I made it!
  • I think there will be a little bit of muscle in the legs because that's the only part I ever feel "burn" and that ever gets sore but I don't think it will be anything significant. You will definitely burn fat.
  • I have only lost about 2lbs so far (i love food too much to cut down a lot) but I definitely contribute this video to the majority of that. I can already see a difference in the way I look, especially around my stomach (my problem area). My boyfriend also said I felt thinner after hugging me so that's a plus! Also, if you…
  • I have done that about 7 or 8 times in the past 2.5 weeks and it is definitely worth it! It is tough as hell but if you get past the first few times of doing it completely then you may actually look forward to doing it! I had to stop so many times the first time I did it but now I can go through the whole thing without…
  • Tell her that they will catch up to her soon! I was always taller than the boys until high school rolled around and they started growing out of control! And one of my bus drivers told me when I was young that some day I could be a model and that helped me a little.
  • I just did BFBM for my fourth time now and I am noticing already an improvement in my workout. It's still tough, but I feel so good after! I am a little sore the day after but not as bad as the first time I did it (it was the first real exercise I did in who knows how long). I plan on getting another of her workout dvds…
  • I have always had this occur occasionally with my ears. I went to the doctor about it a long time ago (in my early teens) and she didn't seem worried about it at all. It can be quite annoying but it never lasts too long, and it definitely occurs more when I exercise. If I breathe through my mouth during an episode of this…
  • Hello! Welcome to mfp! I am also new to this and a college student. In just the week I have been keeping track of my food it has helped me to realize all the bad things I eat and things I need to change. Feel free to add me and I will try to be as motivational as I can! lol Jessica
  • Don't buy them! It helps me to go to the store when I'm full so it's easier to pass up the candy and chocolate. I never go down the aisle that has the candy, and at the checkout I try to pick one that is moving quickly so I don't have the time to stare at the candy on the shelf. And I do let myself have chocolate on…