jodsap Member


  • "A year from now you will wish you had started today."
  • You are not alone. I have been on this track for eight months and have lost 58lbs with little bursts of " feeling hungry " here and there. Lately though, I have had the same problem but for longer. Almost 3 weeks now I have been fighting the " good lord, I just ate and I am still hungry ! " . Not sure if I am getting more…
    in Hungry... Comment by jodsap August 2013
  • WELCOME TO ONEderland!!!!
    in ONEderland! Comment by jodsap July 2013
  • Beyond Awesome!!!
  • Those are just words... You define what you " are " .
  • You are my goal. My goal is 80 lbs to lose and I have 29 lbs left. But its the MAINTAINING that I am afraid of!!!
  • Hiya- you have completed a big step in your life losing the weight. Its time to get on to other things and those people that you helped... that hasn't changed.... you helped them. They have to find their own path in their own way too. Move on...enjoy what new chapter in your life you have worked hard for.
  • Honest to god, it's all about the pants... the styles, the brand, the type... all of it. I am currently wearing a 16,14 and 12 in all different styles and brands. Try it!
  • YES! I was about 125-130lbs thru most of my teen years and ALWAYS thought I was chubby ( and sadly had a boyfriend or two that let me know that ). Now I am 32lbs away from getting back to that weight and I will cry when I get there. Hell, I get all wishy washy now when I think of all the stuff I have been missing…
  • Started with a number on the scale. However, I am anticipating that as I get further along in this, it will be a look. The main one being " no more flabby underarms"!!!!
  • I am actually making pasta right now for dinner. What is considered a serving according to the box. I haven't given up eating anything that I love. I just eat less of it. It fits into my calorie count for the day as my dinner. Don't give up what you love, just learn how to eat the proper amount and stick to your calories…
  • WHOOHOO!!! Keep it up!!! Great Job!!!
  • I had come up with every excuse in the book. " my husband loves me - why does it matter " - " why can't i eat whatever I want - it's not like I suck down a whole pizza in one sitting " - I even just started referring to myself as " big " and " fat " and " large " - like somehow the acknowledgement of this would make it…
  • This is just fun to think about!! So for breakfast, chocolate chip pancakes definately, Maybe some bacon and eggs too. Lunch - Pizza Hut with Breadsticks and a Mt Dew and Dinner- Calzone or Mac and Cheese. Or both - Hell, it's my fantasy pig out! Dessert would be Cheesecake and then a bottle or two or three of Reisling...…
  • Love the Stars Wars reference ( as you predicted ) - and I do say #15 to myself often... " is this food the result of my left butt cheek being the size that it is?? "