Has anyone given up bread pasta and potatoes?



  • katherine611
    katherine611 Posts: 175 Member
    What's wrong with pasta made with quinoa or having a grilled or steamed sweet potatoe. I have a cheat day and I have a scoop of trder joe's cherry chocolate chip soy ice cream and a slither of cake or a cheese bread only half. I always keep in mind that I have to log that in. Enjoy, we don't have to give up the things we like just modify and enjoy. I hope this was helpful.
  • twinkiemon
    twinkiemon Posts: 216 Member
    If I gave them up completely my life as I know it would be over, however, I have cut down, such as eating a sandwich with one piece of bread instead of two or maybe taking a half cup of potatoes or pasta instead of a full one.
  • EricaahMcK
    EricaahMcK Posts: 5 Member
    I have but that's because I view them more as fillers - not flavor. So to me, they're empty calories. With my reduced caloric goal, I want to get more bang for my buck, so to say. I enjoy bold flavor so I'd much rather use my calories for something else. It's weird, I don't miss pasta at all, but I do have a hard time with bread... not even really bread, but sandwiches. I f**king LOVE sandwiches! LOL.

    If you want to cut down on these carbs, I recommend just keeping them to breakfast and/or lunch and not eating them later in the day.
  • janebshaw
    janebshaw Posts: 168
    I try to eat less bread and pasta, but don't think I would ever want to give it up completely. Most of the time, I do buy the sprouted bread that comes frozen and use it instead of "regular" bread.
  • choochoobell
    choochoobell Posts: 147 Member
    I gave all 3 up for Lent and never went back. I've lost 16lbs since.
  • LavenderBouquet
    LavenderBouquet Posts: 736 Member
    I rarely eat bread or pasta anymore (maybe 1-2 times per month?) and potatoes not much more. I've been eating primal since January and I haven't found it particularly difficult to stick to. It really depends on if you see it as a sustainable change that you can maintain and how much you "love" those foods. All of them were mainstays in my diet, but after the initial couple weeks of transition, it's been smoother sailing, I find I don't even really care for bread or pasta anymore, it's more of a special treat if anything.
  • Brownsbacker4evr
    Brownsbacker4evr Posts: 365 Member
    Blasphemy! No need to give up anything, my friend. Just moderate it and/or find healthy(er) alternatives.
  • kuntry_navy
    kuntry_navy Posts: 677 Member
    whole grain bread and whole wheat pasta and sweet potatoes for me

    same for me. i have these in place of refined/starchy foods on my higher carb days. except for the bread, i can't make it through a loaf before it turns green, so i don't mess with it
  • 970Mikaela1
    970Mikaela1 Posts: 2,013 Member
    Just pasta. Unless its in lasagna. Then there will be plenty of bread to go with. Lasagna sammich:)
  • Vinyarddog
    Vinyarddog Posts: 67
    I gave it up bread, pasta and potatoes 30 days ago (googled Atkins, got their starter kit). I have to say for me I always had troubles with carbs, would become very blank after eating them. Couldn't stop after 1 heaping plate of spaghetti (had to have 2 heaping plates) - I have not had such good gains since doing so. (or should I say losses). It has worked for me.

    I am going to start reintroducing carbs next week (I try to take in 20g per day right now) because I have hit my initial goal, and am as light as I was in high school (which was 1984).
  • Balanced_Jenn
    Balanced_Jenn Posts: 4 Member
    It is not hard to stick with once we take them out of our diet for a few days. The carb-heavy foods impact our metabolism in many ways including regulation of blood-sugar cycles, leptin resistance (which leaves us feeling hungry) and with the increase of insulin resistance that we are seeing, uptake of the unused carbs as fat as the body can't process them.
    Not taking carbs out of the diet can hinder weight loss in many ways. Give going without a try and see if it works for you!
  • jodsap
    jodsap Posts: 22 Member
    I am actually making pasta right now for dinner. What is considered a serving according to the box. I haven't given up eating anything that I love. I just eat less of it. It fits into my calorie count for the day as my dinner. Don't give up what you love, just learn how to eat the proper amount and stick to your calories count. Do I have a six pack and triceps to die for? Nope. Have I lost 45 lbs and feel better than I have in 20 years? YUP!!!
  • mizzcasual
    mizzcasual Posts: 223 Member
    Yeah I was thinking of just switching from the white pasta to wholewheat I already only have the brown bread but don't eat bread much anyway. And always have potatoes might try and eat more sweet potatoes. Bread usually makes me feel bloated
    The trainer did say though it's mainly the calories that matters.
  • DalekBrittany
    DalekBrittany Posts: 1,748 Member
    I had bread, pasta, AND potatoes today. Goooo carbs :smokin:

    Latkes for lunch, ravioli and garlic bread for dinner!

    I'm curious, are you only going low carb because your trainer said to? Personally, while I do take fitness advice gladly from a trainer, I don't take nutritional advice from them at all. I went to a school that also trained people to be PFTs, and was friends with a few. I learned more about nutrition as a medical assistant than they did.
  • pastryari
    pastryari Posts: 8,646 Member
    It's not necessary. And just plain wrong. I will never give up bread, pasta, and potatoes. They are delicious and have no effect or impact on weight loss unless you're eating enough of them to put you into a caloric surplus.

    Just maintain a calorie deficit and exercise, you will lose weight. Slow and steady is fine. And stop listening to your trainer when it comes to nutrition advice.

    Bread and pasta are WRONG for people with gluten intolerance, allergies or sensitivity. I'm one of those people who prefers NOT to eat them, because several long standing health issues went away when I removed gluten from my diet.

    I can live without bread and pasta, but WILL have some if I really want it. I just tend to turn my nose up at all baked goods, bread and pasta because I don't crave them and I get really bloated if I eat too much of it.

    This thread and my corresponding post have nothing to do with gluten intolerance, allergies, or sensitivity. It was regarding weight loss. Unless you can point out to me where either I or the OP mentioned anything about this applying to anything other than weight loss?
  • At the moment I've been limiting what bread, pasta and potatoes I eat.
    Most of the time I rarely eat bread anyway . I usually have some form of either pasta or potatoes for dinner with meat and veg. Although it'a white pasta and white potatoes.
    During the day I'd usually have porridge for breakfast then like oatcakes with salmon and snack on nature valley bars and fruit.
    I haven't done too badly but maybe every 2/3 weeks I may lose some . I'm still really slow at the weight loss although I've only been gym twice I need to go 3 times or more .
    And I do proper full body workouts weights and cardio.

    Should I cut out bread/pasta and potatoes completely? or isit maybe that I'm eating white pasta and white potatoes thats the problem?

    I was speaking to my trainer and he said I should give up bread , pasta and potatoes and that I could switch to sweet potatoes.

    Anyone that has given up bread and pasta and potatoes isit hard to stick with?

    I haven't given up either! I've lost 11lbs my first month by simply cutting back on how much I put on my plate. That in itself has been super hard. I use a measuring cup and either eat only 1/2 a cup or 1cup of each side that is cooked, and no more than 3 sides (depending on what the main dish is)... Like tonight! I had 1 cup of mac and cheese, 1 cup of au gratin potatoes, and 1 BBQ chicken leg. I was sooo stuffed. Also, you can try drinking water before and after meals to help you feel full.. That's what I've done to help cut back on portions.. :) And if you just HAVE to have a soda.. go for diet, they're better for you.
  • DalekBrittany
    DalekBrittany Posts: 1,748 Member
    I eat whatever I want as long as it fits within my calories and macros.

    Like ice cream?!?! :wink:
  • BlisterLamb
    BlisterLamb Posts: 396 Member
    I have Hashimoto's Thyroiditis and it causes seemingly impossible weight gain. I kept gaining even while eating at a deficit and working out. It was mystifying and frustrating for two years, until I was diagnosed. One of the ways of managing the disease, in addition to medication, is to eat low carb. Prior to being diagnosed, I was a "Everything in moderation" person. I found that is not necessarily true for everyone. Since my carb intake is so low, I mainly use my available carbs on vegetables and a little fruit. So I don't eat bread, grains, or pasta. If I really wanted some, I would eat a small serving and not eat any other carbs for the rest of the day. But overall, I don't really miss them.
  • SteelySunshine
    SteelySunshine Posts: 1,092 Member
    I cut back But, just because I had to add more protein to my diet. If I was just sticking to my calorie goal, I could happily live on pasta, rice, potatoes, and bread alone well with sauce and other yummy toppings. It is very easy for me to become protein deficient. I have to think about it everyday, what to do to get more protein in my food.
  • glynda66
    glynda66 Posts: 184 Member
    No...no..and no...