jsrussell2127 Member


  • Thanks so much everyone. :) I'm going to keep chugging along! I'll make it one day! :)
  • Well, that's the funny thing. I can tell my clothes are fitting a little tighter, but it's not like I went back up to the size I was (clothing wise). I haven't actually measured anyting lately. 8lbs may not really sound like a lot, but that's 5% of my body weight. :( I was a size 14 when I started in January. I went down…
  • Thank you so much, everyone! It didn't prompt me like I thought it would, but I used the info you guys gave. Happy losing!
  • Sooooo glad someone else is experiencing this! I have been, too.
  • Trying taking Colace. It is an OTC stool softner, not a laxative. You can take it twice a day. And, of course, the usual, drink lots of water and eat fiber. Another option to add would be Miralax or Metamucil. It is OTC as well. If these two options do not work at LEAST every 3 days for you, you should try Milk of…
  • Yes. Maybe that has something to do with it. :)
  • Weighing in the evenings started when I was comparing what I weighed at the gym vs at home. I would weigh before I exercised and I went home and weighed and took my clothes off to see all the differences. (I was actually trying to make sure my scales at home were accurate.) We even put weights on the scales at the gym to…
  • I feel your pain. I am wondering if some people plateau quicker than others. I kinda fell off the wagon Valentine's because my husband and I went to my favorite restaurant. Then I was off for 5 days so I was pretty bad for about 3 days. But, I got back on my saddle, hot and heavy and have been doing better since. If I've…
  • Sometimes my life calls for "fast food" - literally, so I have the problem of finding things that fit into my calorie count. I have found that even at fast food restaurants, you can stay within your limits by portion control. Half a burger. Half of a small order of fries. Grilled instead of fried, etc. When at McDonald's,…
  • Thanks so much, everyone! You all gave some great suggestions! I do intend to let loose a little, I just don't want to completely over do it and destroy my losses for the week. :)
  • I, too, have this reaction to diet drinks - ALL of them, except one. Diet Dr. Pepper. I worked at a CPA firm for a while and after tax season we all tried the Atkins Diet (the current fad at the time). Everyone was fine, except me, with the diet drinks. I couldn't even handle all the flavored waters. Soooooo, I began to…
  • see post below. sorry- just learning how to do this.
  • I think this is true for me, too. I do better during the week, so my lowest tends to be Thursday or Friday. My official weigh-in day is Thursday; however, yesterday when I got up I could tell I had some water retention. So, for the week it appeared that I actually gained 0.2lbs. After I worked out yesterday though it…
  • I actually get the same kind of comments from my husband. Only he has told me 3 or 4 times now, "Well, I just want you to know, you are doing this for yourself and not me." I laughed and said,"Seriously? Why would I do this for you anyway? It's all ME, babe! Don't mean to bust your little bubble there!" I guess it's just…
  • Just a heads up: When I was 20-21yo I was in college and I was eating bagels and soft pretzels everyday (one or the other, not both) because I was always in the road between school and work. The bagels and pretzels were offered at the school snack bar. And, I GAINED about 20lbs! So, I would definitely try the yogourt or…