Water Retention vs Real Weight Gain

Okay, so I know everyone says not to weigh daily, but I got a new scale that has the bioelectrical impedence analyzer with it. For a while, it was quite consistent. If I went over my sodium intake, I would retain water and the scale showed (it gives your weight, body fat %, water %, bone %, etc). But....I fell off the wagon for 2 months. It appears that I have gained 7.5lbs of the 12.2lbs I had lost during that 2 months. And, suprisingly, I haven't been gorging like you would think. :(

I've been trying to get back onboard, but it's difficult because my spouse is not supporting me like he did at the first of the year. See, it's warmer outside and so now he's got "things to do"...meaning he doesn't have time to help with the kids or supper for me to exercise after work. :( ANYWAY...I have been noticing that my water % is strange. For example, yesterday I weighed the scale evaluated my water to be 50.2%. Today, I weighed 1.2lbs less, but the scale evaluated my water to be 50.5%. Both days, I did not go over my sodium levels. It's hard to tell if I REALLY gained 7.5lbs in two short months. That seems like a lot of weight gain without grossly engorging, doesn't it? I have kept going to the gym once a week and I've been walking at least once a week, even throughout the two months.

I don't understand. Can anyone help explain this to me? And, I apologize if I seem to be "rambling"...



  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    Okay, so I know everyone says not to weigh daily, but I got a new scale that has the bioelectrical impedence analyzer with it. For a while, it was quite consistent. If I went over my sodium intake, I would retain water and the scale showed (it gives your weight, body fat %, water %, bone %, etc). But....I fell off the wagon for 2 months. It appears that I have gained 7.5lbs of the 12.2lbs I had lost during that 2 months. And, suprisingly, I haven't been gorging like you would think. :(

    I've been trying to get back onboard, but it's difficult because my spouse is not supporting me like he did at the first of the year. See, it's warmer outside and so now he's got "things to do"...meaning he doesn't have time to help with the kids or supper for me to exercise after work. :( ANYWAY...I have been noticing that my water % is strange. For example, yesterday I weighed the scale evaluated my water to be 50.2%. Today, I weighed 1.2lbs less, but the scale evaluated my water to be 50.5%. Both days, I did not go over my sodium levels. It's hard to tell if I REALLY gained 7.5lbs in two short months. That seems like a lot of weight gain without grossly engorging, doesn't it? I have kept going to the gym once a week and I've been walking at least once a week, even throughout the two months.

    I don't understand. Can anyone help explain this to me? And, I apologize if I seem to be "rambling"...


    BIA scales are notoriously inaccurate and 7.5 lbs in 2 months is easily done without gorging one's self. Do you look heavier int he mirror, what measurements changed?
  • jsrussell2127
    jsrussell2127 Posts: 21 Member
    Well, that's the funny thing. I can tell my clothes are fitting a little tighter, but it's not like I went back up to the size I was (clothing wise). I haven't actually measured anyting lately. 8lbs may not really sound like a lot, but that's 5% of my body weight. :( I was a size 14 when I started in January. I went down to a size 10. Now, I'm still in my 10's, but they are a little tighter and some 12's I have are fitting without falling off now.

    Thanks for the info on the BIA.
  • RoseTears143
    RoseTears143 Posts: 1,121 Member
    I think your scale is wonky. I had a WW scale that did all that but it was very unreliable and would give a different reading each time I stepped on it.
  • Bobbie8786
    Bobbie8786 Posts: 202 Member
    It is very possible to gain 7.5 pounds in 2 months. A few years ago I lost a bunch of weight (60+ pounds) and when I stopped measuring and documenting everything I ate I regained 15 pounds of it within 3-4 months (I didn't think I was "gorging" at the time). I went on to regain all of what I lost plus about 20 pounds over the next 2 years.

    Maybe I am crazy (very likely) but I think once you have lost weight, it is much easier to gain than a "normal" person. I do think that relying on measurements and how your clothes fit is more reflective of reality than the scale is.
  • jsrussell2127
    jsrussell2127 Posts: 21 Member
    Thanks so much everyone. :) I'm going to keep chugging along! I'll make it one day! :)
  • NJL13500
    NJL13500 Posts: 433 Member
    For me it's pretty easy to gain weight if I'm not doing what I'm supposed to and really accurately logging. A little here and there is what gets me. 500 extra calories per day would add up to a pound per week and if you did that for 8 weeks.....then it could be almost 8 pounds. I think the key is how your clothes fit. If your clothes are getting tight, then you need to go back to being a bit more mindful of eating and logging.

    I'm in no way putting you down. I'm there myself as I found the 5 pounds I've let myself gain makes a huge difference in fitting in my size 2 shorts. I can do it, but they are tight now where they used to be comfy. I recommitted and startting logging EVERYTHING like I did in the beginning. I know how easy it is for me to let my weight creep up steadily. I started at a size 18/20 and am now a 2/4. Don't want to go back there!

    Good luck to you.
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    Weighing often is enough to drive a person insane. Weigh less often and look at longer term trends.