

  • I read a story last night, about two old women. This is the short version. Their Alaskan indian tribe had abandoned them. It was winter and everyone was hungry. They couldn't afford to feed the two old women. The two old women understood, but as they were sitting there after the tribe left they looked at each other and…
  • Mondays are always great. It's the begining. It's sunny in Colorado today. I feel pretty good and will be going to water aerobics today. DEB
  • I see that a few new people have arrived. All are welcome. This is not always easy, but I like the challenge. I am finding that the people here are mostly wonderful. I have my ups and downs. I have never been one to start a plan a be able to stay on it all the time. Now it's even harder than it used to be. I'm on two…
  • I guess I've lost a few days. I am back on track today with the help of everyone here. I have found wonderful people. Anyone who is reading this thread for the first time, if you stick around you will find them too. DEB
  • Happy Weekend everyone. I have figured out a few things during this past week. I completed a week of water aerobics, which is huge for me. I went kicking and screaming on the first day. All these years I refused to go to the pool. I do think it helps now, that I'm no longer working. I've logged on 10 days in a row. I feel…
  • Happy Weekend everyone. I have figured out a few things during this past week. I completed a week of water aerobics, which is huge for me. I went kicking and screaming on the first day. All these years I refused to go to the pool. I do think it helps now, that I'm no longer working. I've logged on 10 days in a row. I feel…
  • I am reading your thread, and I see so many good suggestions. We all know how hard it is. We've all been there. You need to change your routine. Do something different. Most of my life the best time to exercise was early in the morning before anyone gets up. I never felt like doing it at night. You shouldn't be tired in…
  • I am reading your thread, and I see so many good suggestions. We all know how hard it is. We've all been there. You need to change your routine. Do something different. Most of my life the best time to exercise was early in the morning before anyone gets up. I never felt like doing it at night. You shouldn't be tired in…
  • Another day, another dollar as tthey say. It's snowing here today. Don't know how much we'll get. I only have about 6 blocks to the pool for my water aerobics. I hope that there comes a time when I can walk to the pool. Hope everyone has a great day. DEB
  • Well, it's another day. I feel like that I've gotten a few things straightened out. I didn't gain this weight over night and certainly won't get it off overnight as they say. Then there are the years of head stuff that influences us in every aspect of our lives. I go to the senior center today. They have a pot luck twice a…
  • Yes, you are right, this is a great place to be. Keep it up and you will get there. DEB
  • Went and did my water aerobics today. Feel pretty good. Didn't over do. Food is on track. DEB
  • No, you don't have to be 60. I just put that in for a title. You are very welcome to join us. I will friend you, or you can friend me. DEB
  • Welcome new people to this thread and or site. I have found that it is really helpful for me. I had a great day. I ended up having to walk at the grocery store. I couldn't get a riding cart. I walked around for 2 hours, slowly. I will be glad when I can get my hip fixed and be able to walk faster. I also bought some…
  • A new day is here. May do some stretching today. I think that will be about it. My night wasn't that great, but I usually make up for it. Hope everyone is doing good. DEB
  • I'm walking a little better now, but I will still get in the tub later. Hope everyone enjoys their evening. DEB
  • Welcome new arrivals and ones that have been on MFP for awhile. I did my water aerobics this afternoon. The water was ok, not real warm but not cold either. I couldn't do about half of the leg exercises because of my right hip. I had gone there last summer and I could really see the difference with this hip. It's getting…
  • dsr315 I just started too. Having nothing to do with it being a new year, I always seem to do better in the winter. We can do this. DEB
  • Keith, Rssblade, poedunk65 You are all welcome to join us. DEB
  • I feel much better today. I got through the evening and night. I think I was down yesterday because of my friend dying. I found my swim suit and I'm going to the pool today. I haven't been out of the house for over a week. It's been so darn cold, zero during the day and 12 below at night. But I have warm clothes/coat. I…
  • I went to the Mayo clinic site and found a better renal diet for me and printed it out. DEB
  • I liked Atkins if your doctor is telling you more protein. Go to their site and it is all written out for you. Also you get to eat more than just protein and it takes away your hunger. DEB
  • Thanks otrlynn. The trouble is, that I have to limit my protein due to the renal diet. Normally that is what I would do. I have to cut back on dairy, no red meat, no more cheese and no processed meat. I'm going to try and stick to chicken, turkey and fish. The aerobics class is talk by a lady in her 90's. She is really a…
  • I've decided to go to the water aerobics tomorrow. They have it every MWF. I hate the water, I hate swimming, I hate getting cold and wet. With all of that said, I'm going to do it anyway. It's about all I can do right now. I am getting weaker and weaker as the months go by. I have been starving all day. Oh well. Oh, I…
  • Your progress is fantastic. I'm hoping to get a new hip sometime during the summer. I hope then I can get rid of my cane. Glad you have joined the group. DEB
  • Good luck with the trainer. I need the encouragement too. We can do this. DEB
  • Back spams were bad last night, couldn't walk. May have to wait on exercise for now. DEB
  • I've got to exercise. I have pulled up the elderly strength training online. I know that sounds old, but that's about all I can do for now. I am determined.
  • I guess I should tell everyone that I've recently turned 62 and I'm tired of being over weight. I'm a retired RN, for two years now. Time really flies by. Retired by force due to health issues, which this weight does not help. I really need to succeed. DEB
  • I have gotten through today. This has never been easy for me, otherwise I wouldn't need this site. I've decided to follow a renal diet as well as the calorie count. Hope everyone had a good day. DEB
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