Buddies over 60



  • sylviatx
    sylviatx Posts: 156 Member
    Hi Deb - Welcome aboard! I'm 61. You can do it! Friend me.

    Just do what you can do, don't undereat on calories, any movement is better than no movement at all even if it is just chair exercises. Keep logging. You got this!

    For one, you've got the health motivation, which is the best motivation of all. Me, I'm "walking away" from diabetes. Or, more accurately, "swimming away" LOL.

    For two, you've got MFP, which is awesome for both information and support. The logging keeps me accountable to myself. I managed to not gain over the holidays, thanks to logging.

    One day, one hour, one step at a time. Slow and steady wins the race.
  • GIMOM66
    GIMOM66 Posts: 30 Member
    Hi! I'm 66 and need to lose weight. Because of a health issue I need to lose but am somewhat restricted because of a health problem. I need all the help & motivation I can get. My docs want me to eat more protein to help with the health issue and I'm told it will also help me lose. Open for any and all advice and support!

    Believe in yourself! Have faith in your abilities! Without a humble but reasonable confidence in your own powers you cannot be successful or happy.
    Norman Vincent Peale
  • seniorfaye
    seniorfaye Posts: 295 Member
    Hey, I'm soon to be 66 next month but would like some "older" friends. I can identify with some of the problems we sometimes have. And I don't do a lot of exercise except for walking with my Fit Bit..Friend me if you would like.
  • Welcome new arrivals and ones that have been on MFP for awhile.

    I did my water aerobics this afternoon. The water was ok, not real warm but not cold either. I couldn't do about half of the leg exercises because of my right hip. I had gone there last summer and I could really see the difference with this hip. It's getting worse. I hope I don't pay for it tonight with my restless legs disease. Oh well. The class is every MWF so I plan to be there most of the time. Will see how it goes. I'm hoping to see about my hip this coming summer.

  • I'm walking a little better now, but I will still get in the tub later. Hope everyone enjoys their evening.
  • A new day is here. May do some stretching today. I think that will be about it. My night wasn't that great, but I usually make up for it. Hope everyone is doing good.

  • I'm 63 & need to get back on track w/ food & exercise. I'm healthy but overweight! Want to lose 50-60 lbs. signed up for MFP 2yrs ago but never used it. I'm frustrated with myself, but want to try again. Comments welcome!
  • I just started also. I am friendless :-(. So if anyone want a 60+ partner please befriend me as I am not very familiar with this site yet.
  • mefit2013
    mefit2013 Posts: 8 Member
    I am new to MFP, over 65, retired 2 months ago and the weight began creeping up. I am excited about MFP, I know we can do this.
  • wgoux
    wgoux Posts: 8 Member
    I am 63 and new to MFP. I am quite active. Love to cycle and swim. I also need to lose 20 lbs. In fact I've tried to lose this weight for about a year now. It is so difficult and so easy to make excuses why I don't need to change . But I really do. So I'm going to try it by the numbers this time and see how that goes. I've been doing pretty well in terms of getting under the recommended cals, especially with the exercise tracker. Some days I'm 1000 cals under and other days when I don't work out, like today, I'm a bit over. The great part of MFP though is that I can see where I'm spending the calories and I can try to not do that the next day.
  • Welcome new people to this thread and or site. I have found that it is really helpful for me. I had a great day. I ended up having to walk at the grocery store. I couldn't get a riding cart. I walked around for 2 hours, slowly. I will be glad when I can get my hip fixed and be able to walk faster. I also bought some stretch bands. That way I can use them on the off days from the water aerobics. Leg spasms didn't happen so far today. Sometimes even walking can irritate my leg and cause the leg spasms. So we'll see. My food is in check today. Hope everyone had a good day.

  • Only people only 60??? :sad:

    I'll be 60 this year :happy:
  • No, you don't have to be 60. I just put that in for a title. You are very welcome to join us. I will friend you, or you can friend me.

  • Went and did my water aerobics today. Feel pretty good. Didn't over do. Food is on track.

  • bwallace2012
    bwallace2012 Posts: 37 Member
    you're in the right place! welcome! I've only been with MFP since the middle of November, but I've lost almost 12 pounds. there's something about the accountability that really helps keep me on track. also helps to have Cheerleader Friends! Good luck!
  • Yes, you are right, this is a great place to be. Keep it up and you will get there. DEB
  • I was "bad" today - didn't sleep too well. Woke up late, then had too much coffee, and not enough protein or veggies. But I'm not going to beat myself up. I'll be "good" tomorrow, or at least better.
  • GIMOM66
    GIMOM66 Posts: 30 Member
    Hi! Be happy to friend you I'm new to this site the last few days too and have found everyone to be so supportive and very motivating. Feel free to write me anytime!
  • Well, it's another day. I feel like that I've gotten a few things straightened out. I didn't gain this weight over night and certainly won't get it off overnight as they say. Then there are the years of head stuff that influences us in every aspect of our lives.
    I go to the senior center today. They have a pot luck twice a month. I go to take blood pressures for them. I'm a retired RN. Anyway it's fun. Most of the people are the generation above me. We are new to town. Only been here a year and a half. My husband grew up here, but then left in his early 20's. So he knows the people here. I'm just getting to know them. They have made me feel welcome. It's a small community of about 600 people. The town is in a very large valley in the mountains. We are at about 8200 ft. We love it up here. Hope everyone has a good day.

  • Another day, another dollar as tthey say. It's snowing here today. Don't know how much we'll get. I only have about 6 blocks to the pool for my water aerobics. I hope that there comes a time when I can walk to the pool. Hope everyone has a great day.
