JKayLaw Member


  • I'm doing day 4 today. Friend me. :)
  • Here's a great one.... take a mason jar. On the weekend fill up 5 for each weekday morning. Fill 1/2 cup old fashioned oats, some type of dried fruit (cranberries, raisins, etc.) and some slided almonds. If you choose add a little brown sugar. In the morning, grab your jar of dry ingredients and take it to work. with hot…
  • I'm on day 4 today. Just remember that it is quick. When you don't want to do it, just tell yourself to pump it out! Fisrt day, didn't finish, now I'm keeping up just fine. I'm doing level one for 7 days and then level 2 for 7 days then the rest level 3... I hope. :) My son did level one with me last night and we decided…
  • I'm a holistic health coach and I work with individuals and families to help them understand what works best for them in life. What are some areas that you would like to learn more about? Something that is a passion of mine is eating as close to natural as possible. Of course I have hiccups, but when you really think about…
  • Also, keep in mind that it is a slow process. Baby steps and small changes at first will change your behaviors for a lifetime. It's pretty amazing when you forgo the second helping of pizza and go for a salad instead without even thinking of it while at a party. Last night that is something that actually happened and when…
  • Eat as close to nature as possible. Add in whole grains, fruits, veggies, nuts, beans, seeds... and meats if you choose. Stay away from processed foods and limit eating out. This doesn't mean you have to eat a salad every meal. I read EACH and EVERY food label. For myself, I choose foods that have 5 items or less listed,…
  • What are you guys doing? Is this a challenge? :)
  • I weigh myself every morning when I get up. When I had a day or two that I wasn't doing my best, the scale shows me, and I know I better fix it before my "official" weigh-in day. :) It keeps me on track. However, if it is truly affecting your moods, I would cut down to one day a week. The stress that you are putting on…
  • No, no, no... food is NOT evil! That makes me sad that you think that way. If you are eating the correct foods (whole and natural, not processed), food is amazing! Your body craves foods and nutrients... as well as goodies. If it is hard for you to eat a cookie, make your own from scratch with alternatives to butter and…