Starting 30-day shred... any thoughts/advice?

Hi All, I'm starting the 30-day shred on May 1st. Does anyone have any advice or tips? What were your results like? I'd even love to see some before and after pics!

Thanks everyone!


  • WinterGirl_92
    WinterGirl_92 Posts: 14 Member
    Wear I know kinda dumb but trust me your feet will thank you!
  • Shetchncn1
    Shetchncn1 Posts: 260 Member
    Just start it NOW and go the whole way. Why wait? 30 days is 30 days.
  • JKayLaw
    JKayLaw Posts: 11 Member
    I'm on day 4 today. Just remember that it is quick. When you don't want to do it, just tell yourself to pump it out! Fisrt day, didn't finish, now I'm keeping up just fine. I'm doing level one for 7 days and then level 2 for 7 days then the rest level 3... I hope. :) My son did level one with me last night and we decided just to watch level 3 to see what it looks like... yikes! :) I've seen great before and after pics, so I have to see this to the end. :)
  • travlinjess
    travlinjess Posts: 243 Member
    Take before and after pictures AND measurements. The scale will most likely 'lie' about the progress you're making.

    Eat enough to adequately fuel your body…Drink plenty of water…

    Recommended: Take a rest day every week…I took one after each level (10days)…

    AND hang in there! FYI: most of my results didn't show until Level 3, around day 25! After that, the inches and pounds melted away.

    It's a great program to increase strength and fitness level. I just started round 2 of it today. Good luck!! :)
  • newgirl512
    newgirl512 Posts: 58 Member
    I started it yesterday. My arms are really sore today, but I did it again. Definitely wear shoes and do it somewhere that you won't be concerned about sweat dripping on the floor.
  • Linkdapink
    Linkdapink Posts: 128 Member
    Check your form and take it slow. I really hurt my knees because I was going over when I was doing squats! Make sure you keep those knees behind your toes.

    And also... don't underestimate how hard it is. I started off thinking "oh its only 20m, not too hard" and then sweatin buckets. Level 3 I nearly threw up because I did it too soon after eating. Take rest days if you need them - its high impact so joints etc will need time to recover! Get some decent dumbells, and an exercise mat too!
  • Ladyslippers
    Ladyslippers Posts: 186 Member
    I don't have any before/afters (yet) but wanted to offer a suggestion. I did Day 1 last week and ended up making a few substitutions. Instead of the pushups and crunches Jillian does, I did the wall pushups and ab exercises my physical therapist has me doing. I also substituted jogging in place for jumping jacks because my arthritic knees don't like jumping jacks. I felt great doing the workout and all that day but the next day, my ankle was swollen and very painful to move. I wrapped it up and went about my business. It felt better as the day went on and was much better the next day, and all better the day after. But there's a big difference between walking and jogging and going forward with the motion as you do on the road or a treadmill and jogging in place, which is where I got into trouble without even realizing it. Apparently I need to really take things slowly and in little tiny baby steps.

    This isn't the case for everyone, of course, but I thought I'd mention it. Maybe go a little easy the first couple times you do it until you get used to it. Once you know what you can and can't do, then you can start pushing yourself more. You'll still benefit and hopefully reduce the risk of injuring yourself right off the bat.

    ETA: my physical therapist suggested NOT doing it every day (I have shoulder and knee issues) but instead starting off doing it every 2-3 days and then maybe increasing frequency as my body gets used the to demands of the routine. I keep up with my alternate training (walking, jogging, elliptical, dumbbells, stretchy bands) on the days I'm not doing the 30DS.
  • Schmidt722
    Schmidt722 Posts: 35 Member
    Hey! You'll get a lot of mixed advice. Personally I think it's all good and that there isn't a right or wrong way to do the shred. It's a good exercise program no matter what. Find a schedule, system, or method that works for you personally, and good luck!

    Here's what I do: 1-1-rest-1-1-2-rest-1-2-1-rest-2-1-2-rest-1-2-3-rest-1-2-3-rest-1-2-3-rest-2-3-2-rest-3-2-rest-3-3-3-rest-3-3-done!

    I've been taking rest days every 3 days or so and I think it's helped keep me from getting bored and/or giving up. Then, I also thought I'd get bored doing each level consecutively so I figured a way to build up to the harder levels while still mixing it up. I'm on day 11 and so far it's been great. If you do start with a schedule and see a need for change in any way, definitely make it.
  • MD1978
    MD1978 Posts: 477 Member
    I just finished the Shred on Friday. Definately take measurements and before pictures. Even if you can't make it through the first workout, keep pushing by the end of the 10 days you will make it (or be greatly improved). Follow Anita if it gets too hard, you will still get great results. Good Luck! I just started Ripped in 30 today, feel free to friend me.
  • overshadows
    overshadows Posts: 58 Member
    Watch out for your knees. 1 week in and I had done some serious damage.
  • CherylDeshon
    CherylDeshon Posts: 3 Member
    Hi, I will be starting on tomorrow... maybe we can share our progress.:smile:
  • one thing a lot of people seem to do is going 30 days straight without rest days! in one of her podcasts Jillian said that she intended it as a 5 workouts per week programme... she always stresses how important rest days are, in other podcasts she recommended one rest day per week so give yourself one rest day so your muscles can recover!
  • CMorning99
    CMorning99 Posts: 921 Member
    If you are also looking for weight loss, be sure follow an eating plan as well. I only burn about 100 calories per session which isnt enough on it's own.
  • wmphimu
    wmphimu Posts: 77 Member
    Wear I know kinda dumb but trust me your feet will thank you!

    This was exactly what I was going to say! I did day 1 yesterday, and stopped a few minutes in to grab my shoes! :)
  • I did it and loved it. At 252 lbs it wasn't easy for sure. Make sure you take measurements cause I gained 2 lbs the first 2 weeks, but also during that time I lost 4 inches. My overall was 8 inches and 6 lbs lost in 30 days (I did it EVERY day regardless of what was going on each day). That's a huge number for someone as big and unfit as me!! :)
    I hurt myself overdoing it in a cycling class and only just started level 3 again, but I have to be very careful about my knee, so I can't work as hard.
    Good luck! It's a commitment, but it's definitely worth it!
  • Has anyone (or is anyone) following a specific food plan? I.e. what are you eating during the day while doing the 30 day shred?
  • pkinblue
    pkinblue Posts: 140 Member
    It is hard on the knees--watch the squat form.
    For me, week 1 killed my legs. I could hardly go down the stairs that first 3 days.
    I LOVED week 2..I go back and do that one even after the 30 days were over
  • 20kb13
    20kb13 Posts: 161
    Definitely don't rely on the scale to move much, especially in the beginning. Tomorrow will be day 2 of level 3 for me... I do 10 days on each level. Weight loss was extremely slow for me, but I can tell that I have lost inches, I am able to do most of the exercises much better now, and feel stronger.

    And don't get discouraged if it feels difficult in the first few days of each level, just modify it a little if you need to, but try to do part of the exercise the way she does it... by the end of the level you'll be much better at it!
  • blondley
    blondley Posts: 38 Member
    I'm on Day 5 of Level 2... the first day, I was shocked at how I couldn't keep up! I had to stop a lot and I couldn't even do a push up on my knees. I had been out of the exercise routine for about half a year... but still! By day 5, I finally felt like I was doing a good job with it. :) I struggled with lunges and squats during level 1, by level 2 I don't have a problem with them anymore. Good luck :)
  • donald149
    donald149 Posts: 211 Member
    Agree with the wearing shoes part! Also do take pictures as your scales will 'temporarily' rise as you gain muscle and you're body will try and retain water. Trust me that it quickly descrease after week 1 - just don't let it get you discouraged at first. You also need to worry more about form than keeping up.