Have you read a good nutrition book?

I really feel like I need a nutritionist to straighten me out. However, since I can't afford one I was thinking of looking for a nutrition book with good advice. What book on nutrition/fitness/weight loss have you read that you would recommend?


  • girlfromOklahoma
    girlfromOklahoma Posts: 129 Member
  • i like jonny bowdens books take a look on amazon

    Or patrick holford but just dont let him sell you stuff
  • JKayLaw
    JKayLaw Posts: 11 Member
    I'm a holistic health coach and I work with individuals and families to help them understand what works best for them in life. What are some areas that you would like to learn more about? Something that is a passion of mine is eating as close to natural as possible. Of course I have hiccups, but when you really think about what you are putting in your body, you will slowly begin to make changes. I like The Locovores Handbook. I am super busy so I don't have a lot of time to read, so I watch documentaries. Food Inc. Forks over Knives Hungry for Change Fat Sick and Nearly Dead, are just to name a few. You can find them all on Netflix. :smile: Keep learning and soon enough you will see that you are making changes without much effort.