I must STOP!



  • morningmud
    morningmud Posts: 477 Member
    I only weight monthly, the weekend after TOM. That's the frequency I was told at a gym once and have just kinda stuck with that schedule.
  • jakidb
    jakidb Posts: 1,010 Member
    Do you weigh daily? Yes I do ...every now and then I don't but I do 99% of the time

    Have you ever weighed daily and stopped? Not intentionally Why? NA

    What do you think about my scale addiction? Nothing wrong with it except that it makes you upset so you may want to change your habit. If I see the scale has went up, sure, I'm disappointed BUT for me it helps me to take a look at what I may have done to cause the increase (i.e. what foods did I eat that i hadn't been or the amount of it I ate, etc.)
  • I used to, but I was making myself insane. I would be up 2, down 3, up 4, it always equated to a net loss, but the stress was killing me,. I am taking a 2 week vacation from weighing, and just focusing on my diet and after the 2 weeks are up, I will only weigh once a week.
  • Our scale sits on the floor in the hall between my bedroom/bathroom and kitchen/livingroom... I weigh myself every time I walk by it LOL Which equals up to like a gazillion times a day. I'm just starting out though so I know my muscle/fat is re-proportioning, I'm retaining water... and it's too soon to see any results whether they were going to be drastic or slow in coming.

    The numbers haven't change (past normal daily fluctuation) but that same number still looks amazing because I FEEL so much healthier already. As long as I keep those positive thoughts in my head... the scale is not my enemy. That's not to say in a few months if it [the scale] doesn't change it's tune that I won't take a bat to it =0)

    From what I've read... the numbers we should care about is the measurements... right?
  • Kerri_is_so_very
    Kerri_is_so_very Posts: 999 Member
    Weigh yourself at least 5 different times (morning, noon, afternoon, evening etc) in one day and then you will see just exactly how much your body can fluctuate within 24 hours. That should at least make you realize how silly it is to stress over a daily number (unless it is steadily increasing every day). Your monthly cycle will influence it, sodium intake, water intake etc. will all influence it.
  • JKayLaw
    JKayLaw Posts: 11 Member
    I weigh myself every morning when I get up. When I had a day or two that I wasn't doing my best, the scale shows me, and I know I better fix it before my "official" weigh-in day. :) It keeps me on track. However, if it is truly affecting your moods, I would cut down to one day a week. The stress that you are putting on yourself is keeping that weight on... true story. :)
  • CharlieBarleyMom
    CharlieBarleyMom Posts: 727 Member
    It is a double-edged sword. The happiness you feel one day may be taken away sharply the next.
  • babymama81
    babymama81 Posts: 12 Member
    I weigh daily and I know I shouldent, But I only let the number bother me (or thrill me) on my weekly weigh in day. I step on the scale every morning as a reminder of what I'm doing. It's the little start to the day that reminds me to make good choices. And if I did mess up and eat something stupid( like a whole box of samoas) I have the scale as my daily reminder to start fresh. And it's nice to have the scale tell me that my little slip ups don't cause me to gain 5lbs like I imagine they do. :)

    I love this post. A habit doesn't always have to be negative!
  • PeachyKeene
    PeachyKeene Posts: 1,645 Member
    Thanks everyone!! Everyone made great points. This is definitely something I am gonna have to give some serious thought. It is not fair to my family for to be so moody. Yet, I must keep myself in check.

    Thanks again!!!:drinker:
  • amandat_79
    amandat_79 Posts: 221 Member
    I was stepping on my scale daily but because it was a new scale and it weighed heavier than my old scale it just made me disappointed every time I stepped on it. So, I got my fiance to hide it from me and I'm going to wait until February 8th to weigh in again. Hopefully by then my weight will be down enough to look like a loss on my new scale and I can start weighing weekly.
  • ShellyBell999
    ShellyBell999 Posts: 1,482 Member
    Yes, I weight daily and I have for most of my life starting in my teen years. The only time I wasn't weighing daily is when I was getting up to my highest weight and I wanted to be in total denial about how fat I was getting. So I get where you're coming from with wanting to keep yourself in check but I REALLY don't get the dramatic reaction.

    It's just a number, it should have no bearing in how you treat yourself or others in your life. You need to get over this mindset and remember that number goes up and down for everyone for a variety of reasons. You don't gain 3 pounds of fat in a day so if it's up, it's just water. You may not have lost because you ate too much sodium or you worked out hard in the gym.

    Weight loss takes time. If you rush it, you'll set yourself up for disappointment and the very likely possibility of regaining. Take a deep breath, calm down and learn some patience...
    I know this is a bit extreme, but I weigh in once a month. Weighing everyday won't make it come off any faster...

    ^^^This :flowerforyou:

    Edited: Trying to figure out the quoting :ohwell:
  • ah i swore not to weigh in every day and i lasted 2 days .So now i just weigh in, swear loudly then promise i wont weigh in tomorrow. Until tomorrow :ohwell:
  • Gracerrr
    Gracerrr Posts: 141
    I weight multiple times a day just because it is in my personality. It isn't because I think that I will see good numbers or anything and my mood is rarely influenced by what I see on my scale. It's just fun to see how much the food and water I consume weighs! :P
  • Weighing everyday is fusterating!! My doctor has me weighing everyday to monitor how much water weight I have on me. I can flucuate several pounds a day depending on how much water I retain. if I go up a pound or more I take an extra lasix, so the next day I usually see a loss.
    I am pretty sure what your seeing is water weight. try limiting your salt intake and see if that helps.
  • beckimj
    beckimj Posts: 186 Member
    I weigh pretty close to daily. I typically only count it on weigh in day, although, I have mid-cycle if I consider it a signficant enough move one way or the other.

    I use it to help me evaluate the decisions I made with food/water/exercise the day before. I don't expect a five pound dip from day to day, but I want to be able to realistically say "up a pound....I had that salty popcorn at the game last night, ah, too much sodium" and be able to adjust for the new day. Also, I want to be in front of any issues that come up rather than chasing them from behind., and I feel daily weights help me with that.
  • yowza101
    yowza101 Posts: 196 Member
    I get weighed ever other week in my doctor's office. I just go by my clothes and not truly by the scales. Don't forget water weight.
  • canadiandee
    canadiandee Posts: 196 Member
    Agreed. I was weighing myself more than once a day and getting frustrated at the fluctuations, even though I knew *why* my weight fluctuates.

    Finally got my daughter to take my scale to her house after my Friday morning weigh in. :blushing: That was the only way I could stop myself from stepping on the scale every time I walked into the bathroom.
  • Hamgela1
    Hamgela1 Posts: 8 Member
    I weigh in every.single.day. Whether I've been eating bad or good. It's frustrating but I cant stop, lol.
  • ryblueeyes
    ryblueeyes Posts: 257 Member
    It is a double-edged sword. The happiness you feel one day may be taken away sharply the next.

    Exactly. I used to weigh myself almost every morning. It would be so great to see a loss Thursday, but that excitement was soon ruined by a gain Friday (my official weigh-in day). What helped me was putting my scale away- out of sight, out of mind. I still slip up from time to time, but I've gotten a lot better.
  • Misseena
    Misseena Posts: 55 Member
    I weigh myself several times a day. I generally take the number with a grain of salt, but I find it really motivating to keep seeing the number. Last year at this time I was nearly 215lbs. I'm down to 178 now. Even if the scale reads 182 or 185 when I step on (due to fluctuations throughout the day), seeing the first number as "1" and not a "2" reminds me of how far I've come! Also, if I see it consistently read high for a week or two, I know I need to be more observant on what I'm eating and how much I'm working out.

    That being said, I absolutely understand how this can be different for different people. I don't think there's a right or wrong way!