

  • I can understand how hard it is to stay motivated. I joined a on line challenge group to help keep me motivated and accountable for what I eat and do to stay active about 8months ago. I decided to pay it forward and I started my own. I have an online "private group/secret group" on FB to help hold people accountable on…
  • Glad you are back. I have been on fitness pal for a long time on and off. I since started an online fitness challenge group where I hold people accountable for what they eat and exercise daily. I love it and it still holds me accountable. Which is awesome. I love helping people achieve their goal of living a healthier…
  • I run a weight loss challenge group and it sounds like you would benefit from core strength. Have you done programs that focus on core? I use to go to the chiro 2 times a week. When I started to exercise more and focus on core I noticed that I didn't need one as often. Now I haven't been to one in over a year. I have done…
  • Nutella is very good. It taste like choc. with a hint of hazelnut. I love it on bananas and my kids love it on waffles.
  • I would like to try this. Did anyone cut out the oil and sugar? I would use splenda or maybe some vanilla sugar free syup. As far as the oil I would use apple sauce or maybe some almond butter? Not sure how that would work.
  • You deserve a pat on the back! You look fabulous! keep up the good work. I know that I have to put a picture of me in shape on the fridge or somewhere that I see it all the time to keep myself motivated to continue to eat healthy. I have a real weakness for sweets.
  • I do eat a ton of beans and nuts so that part will be easier for me. I will do some more research. Thanks for the advice and input. I have never been a huge meat eater. However I do eat it now. When you are talking about getting sick. How sick if it isn't to personal of me to ask.
  • Any advise would be appreciated. Cook books ways to make it work.
  • I get that message all the time. I eat well and exercise. I am not to worried about myself. I however understand your concern. Use your judgement and eat healthy exercise and do what is right for you.
  • you can take laughing cow cheese (35 cal a wedge) and veggies to dip in it. Also I have used egg beaters with ham. Apple Pickles oatmeal with fruit