determined to lose weight this time! looking for support!

Hi everyone!

I started using mfp about 6 months ago & lost 10 pounds and then I started slacking & eventually stopped using mfp & gained the weight back. I'm 22 years old, I just graduated college & want to lose the weight I put on while I was in school. I'm a pretty active person...I do lots of hiking, rollerblading, running, walking & swimming. My biggest downfall is my diet...I'm terrible at making healthy choices. I've tried losing weight many many times & always fall off the is my biggest downfall. Please add me!! I could use any tips or advice you have on sticking with it!! I need all the help I can get!


  • boehle
    boehle Posts: 5,062 Member
    I did the same thing with slacking for a while and I have came back strong the last 1.5 months.
    Feel free to add me
  • I also fell off the wagon and today am back on. Like you I am pretty active but my biggest downfall is my diet. I'm bad at making healthy choices, but I'm learning and really trying. Feel free to add me since it seems we have the same issue and got back on the wagon the same day. =) Best of luck, you can do this!!!
  • Feel free to add me. I'm going to need support and I just started today too!
    Prayers are going your way!
  • Glad you are back. I have been on fitness pal for a long time on and off. I since started an online fitness challenge group where I hold people accountable for what they eat and exercise daily. I love it and it still holds me accountable. Which is awesome. I love helping people achieve their goal of living a healthier life.

    My story is that after having 4 kids and slowly putting on weight with each one. I have a strong history of high cholesterol. I have seen most of my older family members go through open heart bypass, angioplasty's and many other heart problems. I didn't want to be one of them. The reality of it is that no matter what I did it was always high. I found exercise again. Lost all the weight ate healthy and still had high cholesterol. When to a heart specialist and dietitian to see if I was missing something. They said my diet was fantastic. Weight was fantastic. Changed my meds and still nothing worked. Well I lost motivation. grained some of the weight back. I needed a kick in the pants and a friend of mine did just that. he put me in a on line fitness challenge group. It worked and it worked well. He told me to drink shakeology. Helped me find a fitness program that I would love. I put in the hard work and BINGO! I found my love again for health, fitness and diet is back on track and to my surprise the shakeology worked on my cholesterol. I honestly thought Yeah right! It has NEVER been normal (it is 320 off meds and on meds 250 to 270). It is now drum roll 174. IT HAS NEVER BEEN NORMAL AND BELOW NORMAL!!! NOT EVEN IN HIGH SCHOOL. I am sold on how well the whole system works. I am now paying it forward and helping others do the same thing.

    If you would like to join the fitness challenge group where I can help hold you accountable for fitness and food let me know. I totally get that shakeology isn't for everyone but everyone deserves to be healthy. I am paying it forward. I love to help people!
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,905 Member
    If you're active and gaining weight, it's because you're eating too much. Cut back on your portions and you should do fine.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness industry for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • candykay0605
    candykay0605 Posts: 1,019 Member
    I've done that also! I had a wreck last year and got n got banged up pretty good bunch of pulled muscles ect. Kept me from working out turned to eating bad! Now I'm back and been working out again for 10 days straight!
  • Hi I'm Ally. 37, single with three teenagers. I have been on and off the weight loss/exercise wagon all my life. This time I HAVE to make it a lifestyle change.
  • I'm aware that I eat too much I said, my diet is my biggest problem. "Cut back on your proportions" is much easier said than done but I'm determined to stick with it this time.