Fruit and Veggies

I recently read something a MFP member wrote about WW and eating all the fruit and veggies she wanted. You really have to be careful with that. Fruit DOES have calories. WW recommends limiting 5 servings a day. After that you do have to count the calories. WW has worked awesome for me three times. The only reason I didn't use this go around is I knew I could get this 8-10 pounds off I wanted in a short period of time and I wasn't willing to pay a sign up fee when I may possible only use for 2 months at the most.

I can tell you it is going much slower counting calories for me. I am at 8 weeks and only lost 4 pounds. It's ok, I'm just an impatient person. What I'd like to get to is others opinions on fruit and certain veggies. I just saw a pin on pinterest that listed some fruits and veggies that are 0 calories. They state in moderation of course! Some of them I really questions but the pinners note is that you burn it so quickly it doesn't count or something to that degree. I tried to copy/paste but couldn't get it to work.

What are your thoughts on this? I enter all my fruit if it is what I call a "real" portion. Some time while cooking or just getting in and starving I may have a few bites to hold me a bit. This I do not log. Could this be part of my slow progress. I close out every day with calories left so it puzzles me why things are going so slow.


  • theresa0165
    theresa0165 Posts: 11 Member
    sorry guys...I clearly put my message under the wrong topic!
  • doodledaze
    doodledaze Posts: 33 Member
    I log everything (when I'm logging), but I wouldn't worry about a few bites of vegetables here and there. WW has always worked for me too. I have more weight to lose than you do, but my weight loss was also going really slow for a while. It actually picked up when I increased my calories from 1200 to 1400. I remembered WW always had the bonus points you could use (or not), and I always lost when I used them and ate my exercise points. I am trying to do the same thing on MFP. I always eat at least 1200. I go higher one or two days a week, but try to compensate with extra exercise when I do.
  • theresa0165
    theresa0165 Posts: 11 Member
    Good for you doodledaze on your current weight loss. A lot or a little is never easy. We just really have to change our eating habits and not "diet". I've done that since my last WW's loss. ( a year ago and 15 pounds) It took a year to gain 10 back and I didn't want to let it get to 15. I really have still eaten well most of the time. I eat healthy during the week and splurge on the week ends. Not always though. Of course not why I'm calorie counting.

    I have two problems. One I'm sure of. I suffer from chronic back pain and take several medications that force me to "watch" my weight. I have a bad habit of eating the same foods a lot over and over. They are healthy but I do believe variety is so helpful. I read a lot on this subject. Second, when I'm in a season for lack of a better word that I can exercise I do every day what ever I can. When I have a flair up that my meds won't control I can go up to 2-3 months without exercising. ( How the 10 pounds crept back on)

    I love this web site though. It's so nice to get feed back from others who understand and can support each other. Thanks
  • I run a weight loss challenge group and it sounds like you would benefit from core strength. Have you done programs that focus on core? I use to go to the chiro 2 times a week. When I started to exercise more and focus on core I noticed that I didn't need one as often. Now I haven't been to one in over a year. I have done tons of different programs. I can help you find one if you would like.
  • theresa0165
    theresa0165 Posts: 11 Member
    Thanks mom2jamc. I am limited in what core exercises I can do. I have hardware at L4/L5 in spine that really limits my mobility. I also have a spinal cord stimulator that has limitations.
    I have been to PT so many times. There are no no's for me and crunches in one. I can however do water core exercises. I can't do pilates, aerobic exercise (like step or an aggressive movement) yoga. So on so on. What I can do is swim laps and water jog. I also have a recumbent bike. My pain management doctor and PT advised only equipment for me to use. If I'm feeling ok I also do free weights (small weights) Certain times of the year I walk. I really love walking but a lot of times i just can't get it done and I promise you I'm a fighter. I exercise every day no matter what time while in pain.

    I am open to suggestions because I can run by my doctor. I also do a lot of stretching to help from being so stiff all the time.
    Thanks for advise :-)
  • QuilterInVA
    QuilterInVA Posts: 672 Member
    If you done weight watchers 3 times and have gained the weight back it hasn't worked for you or you would have learned the lifestyle that you have to live to maintain a healthy weight and lifestyle. Also weight watchers has never said you can have 5 servings of fruit a day so you must not know the program. What it really says is a total of 5 servings of fruits and vegetables in total.
  • doodledaze
    doodledaze Posts: 33 Member
    Uh oh, it seems we have a cranky QuilterinVA :-)

    I think you are doing great. You ARE demonstrating that you have made it a lifestyle by dealing with your gain when it's only 10 pounds and by working through your pain and exercising when and how you are able to. I wish I had caught my gain when it was just 10 pounds--to me that's a fluctuation. I'm a teacher and my "seasons" are school years. I usually lose in the summer when I have lots of time and little stress, but can gain 25-35 pounds in a school year. I am determined not to let that happen this year.

    Do gyms in your area have pools? I am lucky that we have a gym that is affiliated with the local hospital. They have both a lap pool and a warm water therapy pool and offer a variety of classes every day but Sunday. They even have three water treadmills. I am a believer in the water classes! Maybe CrankyQuilter should try one to burn off some of that aggression . . . ?
  • theresa0165
    theresa0165 Posts: 11 Member
    Yeah, I think she also missed that my topic said "FRUIT and VEGGIES" so I meant 5 of each when I said 5 servings. I did change my life style she apparently skipped reading what I wrote of why I gain a few here and there. That 3 times was over a ten year period also. Some people just can't find nice things to say.

    We did get a pool last summer. I am in it EVERY day. We invested in a solar blanket and just installed hoping to get an additional two months out of it. It is supposed to allow us to open a month to 6 weeks early. Before my first back surgery I was a member at the Y and the last couple of years I was going the pool was all I could do any more. I loved it too because it was heated so I continued to swim laps during the winter also. Any time you need some support dooledaze just let me know. You can do it!