Is anyone a vegetarian or Vegan?

mom2jamc Posts: 11
edited September 23 in Health and Weight Loss
I am healthy and thin. Almost at my goal. I however have a family history of high cholesterol. Off meds (and watching what I eat) it is 300. On meds it is 220 to 250 and still watching what I eat. I am considering trying one of these life style changes. I am considering vegan or vegetarian. I am just curious if anyone else has tried it.


  • winterjade
    winterjade Posts: 55 Member
    i am vegan :) I started Dec 2009....and love it!
  • Any advise would be appreciated. Cook books ways to make it work.
  • I've been a vegetarian for about 3 years.
  • I am a vegetarian and my sister is a Vegan. You have to be extremely careful with both lifestyles to ensure you are getting the proper nutrition. We eat lots of substitutes, we seldom eat out, take lots of vitamins, eat lots of greens, eats lots of beans (black, kidney, pinto, ect...), and eat lots of nuts.

    My New Years Resolution was to become a healthier vegetarian. I did lots of research, and learned from trial by error.

    Oh and when you change your diet that drastically your body rejects the purging and you get sick. My sister was sick for about 2 months before she got her diet in line. I was sick for about a month.

    Do your research! Talk with your doctor! And Good Luck!
  • Check out Color Me Vegan! It is our Favorite Cookbook!
  • TheMaidOfAstolat
    TheMaidOfAstolat Posts: 3,222 Member
    Vegetarian my entire life and was a vegan for a number of years. It's a great lifestyle...but do your research! Many veg/vegans go over board with processed crap and faux meats. Not healthy but good in moderation. I highly recomend you getting on and taking a look around the boards on there and reading as much as possible.
  • There is a cookbook on called "The best of Veggies co." by Mary Burnt. It's all Vegan and the recipies are great! I am not a Vegan or Vegetarian, but I do love to try new foods and eat healthier and I love her book. The book is easy to read and follow and the food is easy to make. You will always have leftovers for the next days lunch which I love. Good Luck with your new eating plan!
  • I am vegetarian and LOVE it. It is a little difficult to get your nutrition, but if you're eating healthy it's not that hard. It took me a few months to realize that. I have purchased vegetarian cookbooks but honestly get more recipes online.
  • I do eat a ton of beans and nuts so that part will be easier for me. I will do some more research. Thanks for the advice and input. I have never been a huge meat eater. However I do eat it now. When you are talking about getting sick. How sick if it isn't to personal of me to ask.
  • I have been trying to go Vegan for over a year, I love it. I've been on again, off again, but I feel great when I stick to it. It is very important to do your research and make sure you get your proper nutrients. :)
  • active0health
    active0health Posts: 20 Member
    I have been vegetarian for going on 5 years. I like it and it's not too difficult to find other dining options but you have to be very aware to continue to be healthy. With regard to transitioning I did it over the course of a about 10 months. I cut out each type of meat starting with beef, then pork, then chicken and so on until there was no animals harmed in my dinner! I don't remember being sick but everyone is different. I'm presently sliding gradually into veganism but I'm uncertain if I'd enjoy that lifestyle. I am a big fan of the fake stuff but you couldn't find more processed stuff if you tried- so I'd limit your intake.
  • I have been vegetarian on and off for LONG time and haven't had any meat in about 7 years. I found that I didn't get sick, I actually saw a huge improvement in my health, most importantly my digestive track. If you are evo-lacto (you eat eggs and dairy) then I find it very easy to get all your nutrients, even easier if you choose to eat fish. If you choose to go vegan (I try to a few days a week but the cheese always taunts me to return) that is a bit harder and needs some more planning. I never find it too difficult to eat out in restaurants, even a lot of fast food place now have veggie burgers. There are tons of great books and websites out there to answer all your questions, PETA is a good site (not endorsing PETA, just their veggie info) and are great places to start.
  • peachyxoxoxo
    peachyxoxoxo Posts: 1,178 Member
    I'm a vegetarian! I never have any trouble getting the nutrients I need, to my knowledge. I don't take any supplements besides calcium, since I don't eat much dairy besides Greek yogurt and cottage cheese. Those two items are also GREAT vegetarian protein sources :)
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