genkimomof2 Member


  • I live in Asia. Many many of my friends (who are well within their ideal body weight range) are thrown when they move here because women are expected to be anexorically thin (as in, I can't believe their toothpick legs can even support their bodies) and shopkeepers rush to them when they enter the shop informing them that…
  • Ugh, I've got burnout too. Been dieting forever but just found MFP last year. I've lost 50 pounds with MFP but have plateaued several times and it gets so discouraging. And with the traveling and holidays and parties it's really hard to stick to it these days. My goal is to just keep making the best choices I can given the…
  • Well, no one responded but in case anyone happens upon this post in the future while doing a search, here's an update: I did the 5:2 for the two months as I said. I followed the "rules" as I understood them from several online posts about them. I maintained my weight but did not lose. It WAS fun on the "off" days to eat a…
  • Hun you are clearly not very good at English so I will try to keep my sentences simple: 1. It is nice to drink water flavored with lemon and orange. Thank you for suggesting this. I feel sad some people do not want to drink more water because it doesn't have a good taste. Lemon and oranges do add taste with very little…
  • Thanks for all the advice! I did have a carb heavy week this week, but I thought it ultimately didn't matter as long as it was within your calorie limits? I'm not really sure if carbs make all that much a difference as long as there is a deficit at the end of the day? Looking back, I think the culprit is sodium. Many of…
  • I used to use a scale, and now I'm pretty good at eyeballing things. I was thinking of buying a scale the other day, but even if my assessments are off, that would still not explain why I manage to maintain at either 1600 or 2200, since if I'm over estimating, I would be overestimating consistently at 1600 or 2200...
  • I have about as much to lose as you. When i joined my gym, they did a measurement of all my muscles mass and, for me, my lower core and leg muscles were so weak they forbade me from taking zumba until I bulked up. Of course, I am me and you are you, but have you had a muscle mass assessment done? You may find one group of…
  • Once a week, but if the scale doesn't go down much, or if it goes up, I don't log it! I wait until it goes down at least a full kilo before I'll put it in. If that takes two weeks, fine, no worries. I'm not bothered because I know I'm making better choices overall and paying attention to NSVs more. But it is motivating to…
  • Being in chronic pain is definitely part of the problem. When you are in pain, that dulls every other sensation and makes food taste like sand. find a way to manage your pain FIRST. Do whatever it takes. that will make you enjoy EVERYTHING in life more, including eating. I suspect you are becoming more sedentary as a…
  • according to , Carlo Rossi - White Zinfandel looks like the lowest cal option if you want wine. A spritzer, like another poster mentioned, is a good option. I'd go for a very brisk walk right now if I were you and try to burns some cals so you can have some dinner with your wine! Have a fun night! Don't…
  • Tough schedule! My husband and I worked opposite days with my son to avoid daycare, so I remember those days of never seeing your spouse for weeks at a time! I have two babies now, my son is 7 and my baby girl is 18 months and quite the handful! Dad stays home with her and I'm the breadwinner and i have long hours away…
  • Four things help me with my cravings: 1. I log it as if I ate all that I wanted. I have a heart attack over the calorie count, and then think better of it. I will either eat half of what I wanted or make a substitution or do a delay. Having kids helps in this case because they usually want half of whatever I'm eating…
  • Steamed goods have a BIT fewer calories than the fried. Choi sum boiled with a bit of oyster sauce is a better option than the fried veggies. chicken is better than goose, the BBQ pork better than the deep fried pork. You know the Chinese believe the oil doesn't stay in their body because of that horrid tea that tastes…
  • You can add me! I know what it's like to be an active Mom trying to do what's best for yourself and your family!
  • We are very close! 5'4 and 220
  • TDEE-20%. Use an online calculator to figure out TDEE. Easy peasy. Good luck!
  • Do: Log it, no matter how small! Every bite matters to your body! Don't: Drink your calories. It is so much easier to feel satiated when every calorie has come from real food, not a bottle.
  • Remember that one day of doing just about anything isn't going to hurt or help you. The body is pretty resilient. People who net 300 cals a day every day for weeks and months are the ones who are going to get in trouble. You're fine. If you get super sick and don't eat for a week, you're still fine, especially if you spend…
  • I live in a foreign country where I don't know what is in a lot of the food I eat when I am taken out for dinner/lunch, and I don't know how it's prepared (and to be honest if I knew I would probably barf so it's better to be ignorant) so tracking is incredibly hard. Also they use the metric system and I grew up on ounces…
  • Ugh, I hear you. Social situations are my downfall too. Here is my game plan: 1. during the week, I am exceptionally good, and weigh myself on Saturday morning, so if I go over a bit on Saturday or Sunday, I have time to work it off before the next weigh in. 2. If I know I will be meeting and dining with friends later in…
  • After several years of taking substances made with aspartame or Nutrasweet daily, my mother was hospitalized three times in 6 months and nearly died. No one could figure out what her problem was until one doctor suggested she avoid aspartame. After 6 months she was completely recovered. Does a very near death experience…
  • I think there are certain situations where 1200 cals is not necessarily a "bad" goal. If you are elderly or immobile you don't need a bunch of calories. The older you are, the less efficient your metabolism is. And if you are bed or chair bound, you probably don't need to eat much either (again, that also depends on age…
  • Yeah CNY is no fun if you have to track your calories and with the gym being closed there isn't much chance of working off those calories. But thankfully next week is back to the grind so hopefully we'll all get back on track!
  • I agree that logging your food is a good place to start. But if you are breastfeeding, you might want to hold off any real dieting because it might really mess with your milk supply. Also, if you dump a lot of fat while breastfeeding, you will also be dumping heavy metals (and other toxins stored in fat cells) into the…
  • Happy New year! I was looking for a group based in Hong Kong. There doesn't seem to be one, but I found you all instead! Hope you're willing to take forum, two systems, and all that ? ;-) Kung Hei Fat Choi!
  • A couple of points/things that popped in my head when reading your post: Are you logging in the calorie deficits from exercise according to MFP's rates? I have found MFP to really overdo the amount of calories actually lost from exercise. For example, on the treadmill it says I lost 100 calories, but when I log the time…
  • hooray for you! This is a real achievement! You should be very proud!
  • Welcome! I have two kids too so I know how hard it is to balance the family's needs with your own. Feel free to add me to your friends! Keep up the good job!
  • I don't know if you are a man or a woman, but your cycle will affect how much water you retain, and that might be skewing the numbers. I know the week before my time, I don't appear to be loosing weight, but then a week or so later, I will drop several pounds all at once. Other possible reasons: exercising and muscle…
  • I think changing it to 1.5 lbs a day was perfect for you. If you could mostly eat within the cal limits but just needed 100 extra cals a day to get you through the afternoon, do it! As another poster said, it's not a race, it's a lifestyle change. It took you years to pack on the 65 pounds, so you can't expect to loose it…