

  • Im a 36DD and my favorite sports bra is Champion, the kind with the cami straps. It may sound ridiculous to have cami straps on large breasts, but the front of the bra covers up more and since the straps are thinner they don't hurt my shoulders after holding the weight. I run in them and am comfortable enough to not even…
  • I have my activity level set as "active" because I walk a lot at work and do about 45-60 minutes of running and walking intervals almost daily. and muscle is just more dense than fat, it doesnt weigh any differently because an ounce is an ounce, which is why I was hoping that I might've lost [maybe] an inch from my waist.…
  • Seems like the main thing is eating those exercise calories...and I've added sodium and sugar to the list of things to watch in my diary, so hopefully that will help. And its not that time of month, I'm about mid cycle so I don't think I should be retaining fluid from that. Thanks for the support and advice, I will try…
  • I know what you mean...I weighed myself first thing this morning with my digital scale, it said I gained 3 pounds in the last 2 days (first UGH!) then I went to the bathroom and drank a glass of water, weighed myself again out of curiosity and it said I gained yet another pound. I've totally changed my eating habits (went…
  • If you really want to be sure...then splurge on a good scale. I have a Salter scale and love it. If the food I'm gonna eat goes in a bowl, on a plate, or whatever, I put the bowl on the scale BEFORE I turn it on so the bowl ends up being "0" and I can then accurately weigh my food.
  • Definitely agree with going to a running store to get properly fitted. I used to have problems with EVERY pair of sneakers I bought, then went to a running store and stood on their machine to have the measurements done (size, weight distribution, arch level, etc)..I ended up getting a pair of Brooks sneakers..they may be a…
  • Not having proper nutrition means your body is digesting itself...also meaning that you could be in your 30's and your body looks like its in its 80's. If you need to gain 20-25 pounds, then do that...the doctors aren't telling you 50-55. Take care of your body and respect it
  • Yes I also agree...I know I struggle with compulsive overeating, and EVERY day I fight the urge to binge. Again, you are NOT alone. Reading books about this or therapy may help. the woman above also mentioned an author that she likes....I haven't read that author but I have read books by Geneen Roth (who wrote "If you're…
  • I do drink water, I just never track it for some reason...drinking about 6-10 glasses a day. Used to drink like 6 cans of diet soda a day, and now I'm down to about 3/week, so thats also a major change I have made. When I want a soda/fizzy drink I go for seltzer.
  • Ok I will make my journal public so maybe I can get some feedback... I'm 5'4, starting weight 170, still at 170, goal is 130 (ultimate goal is 130, first "happy" goal is 150). FitnessPal has me consuming 1200 calories per day so I can lose 1 pound per week, and when I exercise I do eat those calories back most days...if I…
  • I bought a New Balance watch that monitors heart rate and counts calories..paid about $50 for it at Target. Not totally sure how accurate the calorie count is, but it seems like the more often you check your pulse the better the calorie count (sometimes I don't check my pulse while I'm exercising, and it may only say 15…
  • Give yourself a mini goal. Don't think about having to lose 20 pounds, just think about the first 5, it'll take some of the pressure off. I'm an emotional eater too, I eat for EVERY emotion. I'm also a nurse and see what people go through with their elderly parents, its difficult. I know it makes you want to eat. Try…
  • I agree, you need more calories to keep your metabolism up and fuel your body. I know it seems crazy to have to eat more, thats how I was feeling at least. I thought if I was short on my calories that I'd lose faster (the people on Biggest Loser only eat like 1,000 calories a day and burn crazy calories!), but I wasn't…
  • No thats not low, its a good number. For someone who isn't diabetic your blood sugar should be anywhere from 70-110. And if you're blood sugar gets below that you may feel a little light headed, but your body should be healthy enough to keep your sugar level above that.