I hate my scale!

OK, I know we've all said that over the years, but I have a legitimate gripe with mine. It's digital, and it's very hard to get a consistent reading. I can stand on it four times in a row and get four different numbers. I usually wait until I get the same number three times in a row, and assume that it's pretty close to right. Well, this morning, I did that and was UP a pound! I know, I know, not the end of the world, but I've been working SO HARD!!! So, after my little pity party, I decided to try again, and three times in a row I was DOWN a half pound. Needless to say, that's the one I recorded!! :happy:

So, my question for the group is this: do you ever have that same issue with your scale, and if so, do you take the high or the low number? Or, if you have the world's greatest, most accurate scale, please share the name/brand so I can consider buying one!!

Thanks, Group!! You all rock and I appreciate your support!!! Also, I don't know how to put that fancy "weight loss counter thingy" on my posts, so I'll add that as of this morning, I am down FOURTEEN pounds (well, maybe.....)


  • allehp
    allehp Posts: 96
    Only time I get funky numbers is if it's sitting unevenly on the bathroom tiles...is your floor crooked? :)
  • fdonhauser
    I know what you mean...I weighed myself first thing this morning with my digital scale, it said I gained 3 pounds in the last 2 days (first UGH!) then I went to the bathroom and drank a glass of water, weighed myself again out of curiosity and it said I gained yet another pound. I've totally changed my eating habits (went from eating fast food 5 days a week to none in the past month, added veggies and protein, etc etc) and started exercising DAILY for 60 minutes...thought maybe I'd lost a few pounds this month and I gained weight??? I'm torn between whether to weigh myself or not. I know it can be discouraging if you see the number go up and tons of people say not to depend on it, but what if I do end up actually gaining more weight?
  • yeabby
    yeabby Posts: 643 Member
    I had that problem with my scale that wasn't digital. It's frustrating. I also, accepted the reading when it was the same 3 times in a row. Argh.

    A few months ago bought this one (cheap, good reviews) and it's been nice. No more multiple readings.


    edit - It's also been with a 1/4-1/2 lb of the doctor's scale.
  • AnninStPaul
    AnninStPaul Posts: 1,372 Member
    mine has been a pain...yesterday I apparently lost two pounds by taking off my pajamas. then just to check I put them back on, and only gained 1/2 lb...it's a Taylor, which are supposed to be good...so I try to look for the trend (I weigh in daily) and step on/off at least three times
  • FairyMiss
    FairyMiss Posts: 1,812 Member
    i used to have trouble with mine in the bathroom , small irregular sized tile.
    moved it to the kitchen large squear linolime tiles. no problem
  • 03258
    03258 Posts: 60
    Oh yeah....all the time. If it's high I move it all around and sometimes take it to another room till it reads lower ROFL
  • FairyMiss
    FairyMiss Posts: 1,812 Member
    mine has been a pain...yesterday I apparently lost two pounds by taking off my pajamas. then just to check I put them back on, and only gained 1/2 lb...it's a Taylor, which are supposed to be good...so I try to look for the trend (I weigh in daily) and step on/off at least three times

    you worked hard getting them jammies off an on
  • jcdfish
    jcdfish Posts: 31
    I decided sometime back never again to have a digital scale. I have a doctor scale. Cost me a bit more, but it was worth it. And it wasn't that much more. Accuracy counts. I don't weigh all that often. I find the natural and normal ups and downs to be discouraging. But if I weigh every couple of weeks or once a month, I usually see a drop.

    I believe that slow goes the course in weight loss, so any drop is good in my book.
  • HeatherR930
    HeatherR930 Posts: 214 Member
    You are not alone! My scale does this too. I always try twice first, & if I get the same #, I record that & am done. If I get a different # the second time, I weigh a couple more times. If a # comes up twice, I record that one. Otherwise, I record the highest. I can't stand it, but I guess I've gotten used to it! I try to remind myself that even within a small margin of error, as long as the overall trend is going down, that's all that matters!
  • JNettie73
    JNettie73 Posts: 1,208 Member
    My digital scale is temperamental too. I find that either (like someone already said) it is not sitting evening on the tiles or that I get different weights depending on where my feet are. IE too far forward or back makes me weight more. I try to make sure I step directly in the middle when I weigh. I also step on and off a few times. If I get the same number several times in a row that is the number I go with. In addition to the scale readings, I focus on my measurements and how my clothing fits. If I see my measurements going down and clothing not fitting as tightly, then I don't worry too much about the number my temperamental scale tells me!
    MIMITIME Posts: 405 Member
    Ha Ha - I don't know how to do the fancy little weight thing either. About your digital scales - I bought a set two weeks ago. When I weighed, it showed me weighing 7 pounds more than my old scale and I was so disappointed. After recovering a bit, I just reached the concusion that it is just a number and readjusted my starting weight. I weigh one time a week and I go for 2 out of 3 on the digital scale and if I can't get that, I do an average.
  • ruststar
    ruststar Posts: 489 Member
    I track daily because I'm fascinated by the fluctuations and I'm looking for patterns over time (how geeky, I know). My routine in the morning has become much longer because I get on after using the toilet and stripping down. If the number seems high for no reason, I get off and use the bathroom again (I've been surprised how often I still have plenty of water to eliminate). Sometimes when I get back on the number will be even higher, which makes no sense considering I just got rid of some extra cargo, so I'll try it again. I'll get a number that seems more correct (slightly lower than the first) and go with that one. All in all it can take me 15 to 20 minutes just to weigh myself, which is becoming a problem. I may need to look into a medical scale because all this is making me late for work! I don't get discouraged by the fluctuations - I know I can't gain 3 pounds overnight and I'm happy seeing the long term downward trend over regular weekly loss - but I feel obsessive when I'm just looking for trustworthy, accurate information.
  • slacker80
    slacker80 Posts: 235 Member
    I check my dry weight in the morining, and when I weigh myself I jump on twice just two check the accuracy. However if I get a different reading the second time than I will jump on a 3rd, and maybe 4th until I get another matching reading and stick with that one.
  • missyyclaire
    missyyclaire Posts: 572 Member
    My Tamita does the same thing...and I tend to go with the low reading. It is usually within a pound of itself. In checking it against the Dr's scale, it is really close, within .2 lb. It's got the two foot plates and has the ability to prgram in up to 4 different people/heighths.

    But no matter if it's up or down....I don't love it. Never loved a scale, ever. They can so easily make or break a day and they shouldn't have that much power over me, but they do. What REALLY matters is how you feel. Clothes feeling looser? Celebrate! Mirror saying something nicer? Pat yourself on the back! People starting to notice? Jump for joy! Don't let that darned box on the floor win!
  • ivikatasha
    ivikatasha Posts: 192 Member
    My scale told me the other day that I gained 5 pounds in 2 days.... while working out and staying under my calorie goal :grumble:

    So.... I am going to try taking the battery out and replacing it first, then I might buy a new one.... or not.....

    I think I might try to rely on measurements from now on. Or the awesome scale at the doctors office, the one where you push the weights around, because that one is always accurate when I go there.