

  • Snacks: almonds, fruit strips (ex: stretch island fruit co), 100 cal popcorn, applesauce/pudding cups lunch: tuna, peanut butter/almond butter sandwich & banana sandwich, hmm...what keeps? is there a fridge you can keep stuff in?you could do like a hummus/veggie wrap, or pack a salad. just a few thoughts. good luck!
  • I've been using waterproof/sweatproof sunscreen for years- I like the spray on kind (I usually buy Neutrogena) and I've never had a problem sweating :) The deal is that it is supposed to protect your skin-so when you sweat you won't sweat it off. I went hiking sunday for 2 hours, sprayed myself before hand, sweat the whole…
  • I have been using the couch to 5k program, I'm on week 3 now. There is also an app for the iphone which is awesome! http://www.c25k.com/ I hate running, and this program has been good to me-as far as easing me into it. Good Luck! I'm running my first 5K in march!
  • Try to push through and stick to your goals! If you use this as an excuse, you may find more excuses throughout the month, or the year. Stay strong! Good luck!
  • I picked up the billy blanks insane abs dvd....WOW! It's a 48 minute work out and it is super HIGH ENERGY the WHOLE TIME! Tae bo burns tons of calories and this video will certainly get your heart rate up. It works the obliques quite a bit and after the first day I was super sore but already felt toned. I will warn you…