Ladies Only- "That Time of the Month"

mandie26 Posts: 59
edited September 23 in Health and Weight Loss
I'm a newbie with MPF, but I'm already loving it. I haven't attempted any weight loss in a long time, but finding this tool and this community makes me confident that I can make it happen.

My question is-
What do you ladies do during your monthly time? Do you normally stay under your calorie goal or do you allow yourself a bit more leniency?

All I want to do right now is eat and sleep. Ugh!

What's your period solution for sticking to it?



  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    I cave lol not going to lie...but I work my *kitten* off doing cardio so when I cave, it's not that bad. I never weigh or measure myself a week before or during because I usually gain 10lbs. Make sure you change your snacks in the house a bit...instead of bbq chips, grab some crispi minis...instead of chocolate put granola bars. Indulge every now and then...but don't go crave that Mcdonald's burger, have it, but don't have 2 plus xlarge fries and a super huge pop...see what I'm sayin'? I want chinese food so bad right now I could cry, but I'm going home to eat a chicken breast and salad's hard but it works. Make sure you treat yourself or else you're going to binge, and be worse off then when you started:bigsmile:
  • MissAnjy
    MissAnjy Posts: 2,480 Member
    I always stay within my calories TOM or not. Yes, i get "cravings" or more of an appetite around this time, but I just refrain. I know i'm hungry because of hormonal changes not because i'm actually hungry. I ignore it. I eat what I normally would, and move on. If i slip in an extra snack, i make sure i can compensate it with working out.
  • ksar25
    ksar25 Posts: 5
    Try to push through and stick to your goals! If you use this as an excuse, you may find more excuses throughout the month, or the year. Stay strong! Good luck!
  • 2hdesign
    2hdesign Posts: 153
    The couple of days before my period, I was hungry and I ate! But I still tracked and tried to keep em down. TRIED> not so much succedded. That said, since it started, I've been under or right on my calorie target... it hasn't been a huge problem. Neither has drinking my water (which is my 1st choice when I'm hungry... in case I'm really thirsty or just bored).

    Oh and hot chocolate has been a nice indulgence without going crazy (if you keep it to one cup)>
  • so glad you asked because I was wondering the same thing! I did prepare for it by adding some sugar free pudding to the refrigerator just in case...
  • I just got mine yesterday, which explains why the scale hasn't moved recently. I generally just plug along the same as every other day. Try not to use it as an excuse to eat more. But ignore the scale as you will put on some water weight (temporarily). I find that a few days after I get it the scale starts to move downward again.
    Good luck!
  • i try to stay within my limit but if i slip i dont beat myself up about it. TOM sucks and personally (since i am forced to through the fact that i am a woman and i get cramps and PMS from hell) i think i deserve a small amount of giving my self something to enjoy when everything else sucks. that all being said. i usually find a way to work in a piece of chocolate or a muffin and not go over my calories. also while i know that it doesnt feel fun at first, exercising (like a super cardio exercise like dancing) really helps with the cramps. but i know its hard to do if the fatigue is getting you down. hang in there and i'm sure you'll figure out a way to work in the foods you want while not going over. good luck!
  • if i could have learned at 20 or even 30 what i know now, i would have saved myself years of problems. the week before, i used to have pms and wanted to "graze" all week. My appetite was horrible! But, I finally wised up and no kidding, I went processed food free. By the 2nd month, I had NO signs of pms. Didn't even realize my period had started. Now, Thanksgiving through New Years, i do allow myself to eat the homemade sugary desserts. This last period was rough on me. We're into the 2nd week of being back to normal, no processed sugar and I've lost the 8 pounds I gained during my period and am craving fresh berries etc. back to normal and loving it.

    So, you could be lenient but if you don't want to fight that, honestly, regular exercise, low sodium, stay away from sugar and if you could get processed food free, you won't have that to deal with. I think the processed foods add or make the problems we have.

    It was a process but we don't buy any cereal anymore. I make porridge from the source before it's processed, buy wheat berry(cream of wheat) and oat groats(oatmeal). This was the last step and it wasn't until I made this step did the pms and period problems go away.

    Hope you feel better!
  • 2hdesign
    2hdesign Posts: 153
    Oh and I agree with dancingdreamer - while it can be awkward and tiring and generally hard to do on your period - exercise makes me feel better about 99% of the time. Even with bad cramps, just a short stroll with the dog can help.
  • Thanks for all the replies everyone :)
  • I always crave chocolate on my period and what I find as a great snack is the FiberPlus bars. There around 130 calories and they have fiber :] If this doesnt do the trick I sometimes find if i have a salad or any kind of veges I stop thinking about my chocolate cravings because I'm full. I hope this helps and good luck!
  • Unfortunately this post was after I had mini-binge (about 400cals worth of snacking),
    but I am going to do some exercise now to try and offset it.

    It's only my second week at MPF, I'm sure with every passing week, I'll become more motivated and focused!
  • elid
    elid Posts: 209 Member
    400 calories is definitely not an irreversible amount of snacking. Good job for catching yourself before it got worse, and for exercising to make up for it!
  • msgadberry
    msgadberry Posts: 9 Member
    The better I eat during that time, the easier it seems to be on my body. However, that is also the time I find myself "roaming" the cabinets! But now that I recognize that behavior I can deal with it. Exercising really helps with that time too.
    And.....since losing around 50lbs, I have a period every 29 days like clock-work. Something that hadn't happened in years with my weight and polycystic ovary issues. I'm actually happy about that because it means my body is doing what it is supposed to be doing.
  • When its that time of the month, I try to plan smaller meals so I more calories for snacking.
  • I definitely had a little binge today, but I recognize that. In my old mindset, I may have not even noticed my mindless snacking.

    Luckily for me its only mid-day and with a bit of exercise and a light dinner, I can still stay under my calorie goal for the day.

    I'm really happy and grateful for MPF, actually. Without the support of people here, I'd probably have just felt angry with myself, sulked and ate more.

    This is all a learning curve for me. I haven't become obese for no reason. It's going to be tough to break old habits and mindsets, but I know I can do it.
  • elsie81
    elsie81 Posts: 16 Member
    You can always call Mom ,i will help you thru the bad times Mommy:flowerforyou:
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    You can always call Mom ,i will help you thru the bad times Mommy:flowerforyou:

    no lie, I went home once a month to be with my mom...she's the only one I knew I couldn't back talk. I couldn't even stand myself going through PMS. Or when seasonal affective disorder kicks in, I go home...just because I know I can't be a raging b!tch to my mother lol
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