ready to get serious about my workouts - HELP!

bekdavis Posts: 290 Member
edited September 23 in Fitness and Exercise
OK. I am ready and need some serious suggestions, please!

I want to work out from home.
I have a treadmill and use her daily.
I am looking for some type of cardio that will burn a ton of calories
I want to start toning

Any suggestions on a workout routine?


  • I have been using the Biggest Loser DVD's that I got from Walmart for $9 each. I currently have the Power Walk, Cardio Max, and Poweer Sculpt ones. There are about three more also. They are each 6 week programs that will burn that fat right off.

    I suggest those.
  • billsica
    billsica Posts: 4,741 Member
    For me, couch to 5k was awesome, and its free. (till I stopped it.)

    If not inappropriate, I'd suggest reading this post, this girl is an inspiration.
  • I do the Julian Michaels 30 day shred along with the others from her. Talk about being sore afterwards, she makes you work but don't cheat! Found at walmart for $9...

    I also started and finished Couch 2 5K, that is the best if you are able to run/walk since I know there are people that can't fro one reason or another!~
  • ksar25
    ksar25 Posts: 5
    I picked up the billy blanks insane abs dvd....WOW! It's a 48 minute work out and it is super HIGH ENERGY the WHOLE TIME! Tae bo burns tons of calories and this video will certainly get your heart rate up. It works the obliques quite a bit and after the first day I was super sore but already felt toned. I will warn you though...I only made it about 20 minutes before I fell out on the floor! lol. My new goal with this video is do 1/2 at a time, 2x a week. This way, hopefully, I won't die in my living room...and eventually I'll make it through the whole thing... :) I'm also a huge fan of pilates, if you're on the hunt for any dvds I'd check it out. It's great for your core muscles. Good luck!!
  • Hi bekdavis!
    P90X is definitly a worth while investment. It costs approx. $130. I need someone instructing me when I work out so these videos are great because they really keep you motivated and burn a ton of calories. The only equipment I would recommend to you is a yoga mat and some resistant bands which are both relatively cheap. Its way cheaper than a gym member ship thats for sure.
    There are 12 dvds.. and the package comes with a workout plan that is easy to flex to your needs/time and a recipe book and nutritional guide (nutritional guide is not practical for some peoples life styles but gives you and idea of what healthy eating is) and again, can be flexed to fit your lifestyle... I would recommend P90X to anyone regardless of how fit you are because they also always give you something to move towards.
    Hope that helps!
    P.S. my favorite DVD's are Plyometrics and Kenpo and CardioX.. they really get your heart pumping which in turn burns ridiculous amounts of calories:)
  • meglane
    meglane Posts: 39
    I personally love the Jillian Michaels series, also $9 each DVD. I personally use the 30 day shred which consists of 25 minute workouts that include light weights but her method includes cardio throughout the entire routine. If you are feeling really ambitious she has a 55 minute DVD called Cardio Blast that I love.

    I would also look into the ifit if it is compatible with your treadmill. Good Luck!
  • on your treadmill try the Farlick system (is that spelled right?) if you goggle it, it will walk you through it. Basically you are running, walking, running, running faster and then walking with in the 30-40 min you are on the treadmill. It really burns fat. I am always looking for cardio that I can do at home too. I also heard that jump ropes burn the most calories in the shortest time. Also look into hula hooping for fitness.....................what ever you do have fun doing it or it will not be worth it!!! :)
  • bekdavis
    bekdavis Posts: 290 Member
    thanks everyone! I have the 30 day shred. Guess I need to dust her off. I am going that assume that the Couch to 5K and Farlick are pretty much the same.
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