Breakfast, Lunch, Snacks, Dinner on the go HELP

er1nya Posts: 87
edited September 28 in Food and Nutrition
I am a graduate student that also works full time. During the week I will often be gone from 9am-11pm, meaning I have to pack breakfast, lunch, snacks and dinner! I am trying to both save money by packing my lunch, and also eat healthy. I have access to a full kitchen at my job. Breakfast isn't so much of an obstacle since I can grad a piece of fruit or granola bar but I am having a hard time packing lunch, snacks, and dinner!

Any suggestions on healthy, nonperishable meals (for night class) that I can lug around with me all day? Cheap is also a huge plus!

Thanks everyone :smile:


  • Hey there!

    I know this doesn't directly answer your question, but have you ever considered just eating larger meals less frequently? That would really cut down on prepping and containers.
  • BUMP- just asked for some help in the lunch/snack area myself. I'll follow your thread too.
  • teanabean
    teanabean Posts: 168 Member
    I am a nurse and I work long hours as well.

    Sot his is what I do.

    I package several 100-200 calorie portions and I also get several 100 calorie pack snacks from the store. Having those snacks readily available to me keeps me satisfied. I include yogurt, string cheese and Healthy Choice vegetable soup (180 calories for the entire cup). I also like the whole grain sandwich rounds to make my sandwiches on and I use Smart Balance mayo which isonly 50 calories for a tbsp.
  • Hey there!

    I know this doesn't directly answer your question, but have you ever considered just eating larger meals less frequently? That would really cut down on prepping and containers.

    That's not real good advice- I USED to do this all the time. It's best to keep your blood sugar levels at an even keel throughout the day- and eating MORE often - rather than MORE less often- will keep you from OVEReating cuz you're famished when you finally do sit down to eat. At least I've known that to be one of the biggest reasons I've gained so much. Keeping myself fueled has helped me all the way around- and I don't crave the sweets like I used to either. Just my opinion
  • ksar25
    ksar25 Posts: 5
    Snacks: almonds, fruit strips (ex: stretch island fruit co), 100 cal popcorn, applesauce/pudding cups
    lunch: tuna, peanut butter/almond butter sandwich & banana sandwich, hmm...what keeps? is there a fridge you can keep stuff in?you could do like a hummus/veggie wrap, or pack a salad.

    just a few thoughts. good luck!

  • That's not real good advice- I USED to do this all the time. It's best to keep your blood sugar levels at an even keel throughout the day- and eating MORE often - rather than MORE less often- will keep you from OVEReating cuz you're famished when you finally do sit down to eat. At least I've known that to be one of the biggest reasons I've gained so much. Keeping myself fueled has helped me all the way around- and I don't crave the sweets like I used to either. Just my opinion

    Meal frequency and timing are irrelevant in the context of proper daily nutrition. If you are not diabetic, no need to worry about hormonal and blood sugar levels.

    I find that larger meals will actually reduce my hunger, but I would say it comes down to personal preference. BUT, that being said, meal size and frequency bear no role in weight loss.
  • NWfluffy
    NWfluffy Posts: 48 Member
    If you can cook on the weekend so you have leftovers for the week, that helps. Several things that help me: a hot lunch, some protein each time I eat, eat 5-6 times a day. If I get hungry, I overeat (see yesterday's food log :) I eat dinner leftovers for lunch. If you cook beans, broccoli, chicken breast, pork chops, etc. then you can weigh & package it over the weekend so it's ready for the week. The protein thing is really important for me, as it keeps me from getting hungry as soon. String cheese, baby bell lite cheese, cottage cheese, yogurt, . . . . I hard boil eggs then, to take them w/ me, I peel at home& put in a small tupperware w/ a touch of salt. Another good one is to take a string cheese, peel it onto 3 long thin pieces, then wrap each in a piece of kurkey lunch meat. Slip into a snag bag & off you go. Makes a great snack. Then there's the usual -- snack baggie of grape tomatoes or baby carrots, those little satsuma oranges. And big salads! You can add canned tuna or chicken. Hope these ideas are helpful. Good luck to you!
  • tdjones00
    tdjones00 Posts: 68
    I used to bbq all of my meat on Saturday and make my side dishes on Sunday. Then I pack it into meals before I go to bed and take one with me everyday. For lunch I would make a salad, soup or sandwich. My snacks would be like a fruit salad, nuts, whole grain crackers, and WATER! I hope that this will help.
  • maureak
    maureak Posts: 107 Member
    Favorite snacks that are also filling:
    Celery sticks with a laughing cow wedge
    Celera sticks with peanut butter
    Fiber bars - there are so many good ones (Fiber One 90 cal are my favs)
    100-cal almond packs - I LOVE the cocoa roasted ones
    Small apple with peanut butter
  • BUT, that being said, meal size and frequency bear no role in weight loss.

    I can smell a debate...
    IMO it boils down to indivdual practices as in the end, it's a mental thing.
    There is no scientific proof as of yet that one way or the either is better as far as weight loss goes.
    The key is calorie intake.

    If you FEEL like one method or the other works for you, that's how you should manage it.
    Go with your instinct on this one.

    Personally, I eat 4 meals a day, because I have found that within my routine, this is what works.

    ~Gary Schwartz, a researcher with the Albert Einstein College of Medicine, answered, "There's no strong data supporting either [three meals a day or six meals a day] as being more effective" for losing weight or maintaining lost weight. "Clearly there is an emphasis on reducing caloric intake overall, whether it be by decreasing meal size and/or decreasing meal frequency."~
  • Barneystinson
    Barneystinson Posts: 1,357 Member
    All comes down to personal preference on meal timing and size. If you like eating more frequently, that's fine. Me, personally, doesn't anyway...

    I find it much easier to only require packing a lunch and breakfast everyday. No snacks or mini-meals. It also greatly increases my food choices as I have a higher calorie allotment per meal.

    So, as an example - crustless quiche cups w/cheddar cheese for breakfast, large salad for lunch. I keep EVOO and vinegar at my desk to top the salad with.
  • BUT, that being said, meal size and frequency bear no role in weight loss.

    I can smell a debate...
    IMO it boils down to indivdual practices as in the end, it's a mental thing.
    There is no scientific proof as of yet that one way or the either is better as far as weight loss goes.
    The key is calorie intake.

    If you FEEL like one method or the other works for you, that's how you should manage it.
    Go with your instinct on this one.

    Personally, I eat 4 meals a day, because I have found that within my routine, this is what works.

    ~Gary Schwartz, a researcher with the Albert Einstein College of Medicine, answered, "There's no strong data supporting either [three meals a day or six meals a day] as being more effective" for losing weight or maintaining lost weight. "Clearly there is an emphasis on reducing caloric intake overall, whether it be by decreasing meal size and/or decreasing meal frequency."~

    Lol, no debate intended.

    Like you said, it just comes down to personal preference.
  • NWfluffy
    NWfluffy Posts: 48 Member
    Some days I can eat less frequently, other days I'm hungry all the time. If I have several choices of low cal foods with me then I can eat what and when I need. Having the options really helps me. If I think "it's not time to eat" "I can't eat" then, of course, that's ALL I want to do!! Good luck!
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