danika2point0 Member


  • Wow, just wow. Incredible. Amazing!!! Well done on all of your hard work - this is a massive achievement.
  • Dang. You're beautiful. You look wonderful and your approach feels healthy and sustainable. Well done. You just keep chipping away at those goals <3
  • I never wear shoes or socks when exercising at home. I do yoga, pilates, HIIT, and strength.
  • I have never used a gym. Check out www.fitnessblender.com (you can search specifically by low impact workouts which might be the best for getting started). 100% free. Also check out Leslie Sansone at-home walking workouts. They're fab. You can find them on YouTube or DVDs online or places like Target or WalMart. You can…
  • Honestly, this might be something you're just going to have use some willpower to change your habits over. Set-up new plans for how you can deal with your late night eating. For instance, you could tell yourself: Okay, I am only eating my dinner and can maybe have one snack (I know I like a biscuit or a piece of dark…
  • This is interesting and I think the previous posters have given some great tips for strategies that can help you manage the situation. It might be useful to reflect on your mom's own relationship to food and what might be motivating her behaviour. Not saying it excuses it, but sometimes it can help to understand. For…
  • My go to for lunch that is super cheap and quick...a can of vegetable soup from Lidl that is like 50 cents. It might not be the 'best' ingredients, but it's 2 servings of vegetables, 160 calories, cheap, and easy. Other options that require no food prep: fruit and yogurt or bread and a slice of cheese with fruit. I am…
  • 7 months and counting...
  • Of course! Movement is movement. I work out primarily at home as well. If you're interested, you might check out www.fitnessblender.com. They have lots of free workouts online that you can do at home with no equipment. And they always encourage you to modify them to suit your needs and abilities. Keep on dancin'! x
  • Over 10 years ago, my brother ate the leftover pizza I had in the fridge. I am not sure I have forgiven him yet. As regards lunch, if I get deeply engrossed in something (especially statistics or shopping), I might delay lunch for a while. But no, I have never forgotten it.
  • I like ThinkThin protein bars.
  • You look absolutely fabulous...and even your 'before' pics are evidence of hard work and fitness. This is might impressive at any age!!! You look fit and healthy and more than that, I'm sure there's a big smile on your face! Very inspirational.
  • Well done! You look beautiful and confident and happy! <3
  • Just FYI with those stats, your BMI is closer to 22 (within normal range) than 24 (within normal range, but nearly overweight).
  • The only way I hit my protein goals as a vegetarian is with meat substitutes and protein bars. I focus on finding ones that are low cal and high protein.
  • Maybe try and avoid fitness-diet talks with her? Just say something like, 'I am glad we're both focused on getting healthier and we both have things that work for us, but let's chat about something else!' and then bring up literally anything else. She doesn't need to agree with what you're doing and you don't need to agree…
  • I was also hoping mine would reduce. They did not. Mine didn't get bigger but appeared more prominent as the rest of me got smaller. E.g. smaller waist, smaller chest, smaller stomach cause the appearance of larger breasts. Personally, when I was heavier, I didn't like my boobs cause I felt they added bulk. When I got…
  • I didn't gain 100lbs. That was an exaggerated example but I have a friend who gain hundredS and no one stepped in until he ended up in the hospital to say hey youre killing yourself... BUT I did gain 40lbs and not notice at all. I was injured and I wore large shirts and large pants with pull ties (to be able to get them…
  • A lot of this sounds concerning and like you believe a lot of diet myths...some things that sort of standout: 1. Your calorie burn at the gym - how are you tracking this? 2. Not having any energy and being exhausted. 3. Boxing and plyometrics are excellent calorie burners. 4. The reliance on a medication. 5. I easily…
  • As you write, you are neither happy nor unhappy with your body, so it sounds like you could probably coast where you are fine enough for a while. I've done it before. But then I either get my motivation back and am ready to get to the place where I am fully happy or I gain a few pounds and feel unhappy and that kicks in…
  • I thought they were boring AF. To the point where I liked was making excuses not to exercise. I've gone back to FitnessBlender.com. All free and fun!
  • I did the Allen Carr clinic and it's awesome! Best money I've ever spent. I'd recommend it to anyone wanting to quit.
  • Good for you for making the decision. Definitely consider signing up to www.hellosundaymorning.com. I have found it so helpful to have a place to share my thoughts and feelings through the process!
  • I have not used the app, but I use the website online. Best of luck :-) x
  • I would recommend HelloSundayMorning.com as a great online resource for re-examining your relationship with alcohol xx I find it really helpful.
  • I think he was pretty upfront that he was using excuses, but I read that that he was just asking for strategies that other people have used when they have a disruption in their routine. How to set himself up to succeed, since he knows that travelling and disrupting his routine leads him to make these types of excuses. I…
  • Same height as you. Stopped tracking calorie intake and got myself from 128 back up to 140 in no time. That was while consistently exercising 5x a week and over 10,000 steps per day. It's all in the Calories In-Calories Out.
  • I like when the day sort of conspires to help you to save your own self! Sometimes it's just those little roadblocks that can make a huge difference when resolve is low or weakened. Thanks, Arby's!